Gazans Rush the Gates Again, Jews Murder 7 (Bringing Week’s Total to 27)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 7, 2018

The thing to always remember is that Jews do not care any more about you as a white person than they care about the Palestinians.

In fact, they absolutely hate you more. Jews generally fetishize brown people.

They dream of the day when white men go out to protest against their behavior and they can just open fire on us.


Palestinian health officials say that at least seven Palestinian protesters were killed by Israeli troops Friday, capping a week of the largest demonstrations and worst violence that Gaza has seen in years.

This brings the total number of dead to more than 27 since the protests began last week, Palestinian officials say. On Friday, thousands of Palestinians once again gathered to demonstrate near the border with Israel “for the right to return to lands in today’s Israel,” as NPR’s Daniel Estrin reported from the scene.

Palestinians say this is a peaceful demonstration. In a series of protest encampments, families fly kites and food trucks are parked to support the demonstration.

I actually don’t have a hard time believing these are peaceful protests and the Jews are just opening fire and murdering people to demoralize them.

Though I guess we should be asking Ben Shapiro, to get an even-handed report on the details from a true conservative who follows these things closely.

Lemme just text his sister and have her ask him.

I’ve got her on WhatsApp.

Israel accuses the Hamas militant group, which controls Gaza, of trying to turn the border area into a combat zone. Daniel said he heard gunfire and saw tear gas in the area immediately next to the border. Black smoke billowed from the area, he said, as young Palestinians brought tires down to the border to burn. Some threw rocks at the soldiers.

Palestinians are actually calling today the ‘Day of Tires,’ because they said they were going to burn tires to create a smokescreen so that Israeli soldiers on the other side of the border fence wouldn’t be able to see them,” Daniel added.


These Palestinians and their days of things.

Gotta love that.

It’s a great meme. The best meme any Arab ever came up with.

No what am I talking about – Arabs are a meme factory.

We would have to consult a meme expect on what is the best Arab meme, because I genuinely do not know.

I think the “day of the thing” is a sort of epic, eternal meme though, and one which we should probably be using more often.

Anyway, memes aside – regarding this whole Palestinian massacre thing.

What to say about it?

You can go through the standard talking points. But I’m so tired of them.

They all amount to “the Jews are hypocrites.”

Okay, lemme do a bulletpoint:

  • Jews enforce “human rights” on the entire world, while just slaughtering protesters in their own country
  • Jews enforce multiculturalism on the entire world, while keeping their own nation racially pure
  • Jews have a wall in their country, while they are the single organized force opposing Trump’s wall
  • The Jewish media purposefully avoids covering “human rights” atrocities in Israel with any kind of regularity, while you hear endlessly about Duterte killing drug dealers or Daw Suu marching terrorists out of her country
  • “Human Rights Watch” is the main global “human rights” organization, and while they will technically mention Israel’s crime, they never force the issue into the media; it is run by the Jew Kenneth Roth
  • Jews claim that BDS movements to boycott Israel over human rights abuses is “anti-Semitic” (and actually push laws making it illegal, as well as push to expel students involved in it on campus) while the Jews pushed Obama to sanction African countries for not support gay rights
  • Etc.
  • Etc.
  • Etc.

It’s all the same thing. Just “Jews are unbelievable hypocrites.”

It is honestly none of my business if they want to kill Palestinians. I don’t want to pay for it, and I don’t want them in my country telling me I can’t even have a border, let alone use force to repel brown people.

The whole situation is absurd, especially in the age of the internet and cellphone cameras, when we all know exactly what is going on in Israel/Palestine.

It’s all so tiring.