General Flynn has Sentence Delayed After Negroid Judge Chimps Out, Goes on Bizarre Rampage

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 19, 2018

General Flynn’s sentencing has been delayed.

Despite the fact that we all heard he wasn’t going to be sentenced to anything serious, the judge went on an unhinged rampage.


Former national security adviser Michael Flynn expected to be sentenced Tuesday by a federal judge.

But after almost two dramatic hours in a courtroom discussing his crimes, he asked to postpone his sentencing for several months so he can have more of an opportunity to cooperate in federal investigations and attempt to mitigate the judge’s disgust with his actions.

“I want to be frank with you, this crime is very serious,” federal Judge Emmet Sullivan said in the courtroom Tuesday. “Not only did you lie to the FBI, you lied to senior officials in the incoming administration.”

Who is this Judge, I wonder?

Imagine my SHAWK.

Flynn, who pleaded guilty last year to lying to FBI agents in a January 24, 2017, interview in the West Wing of the White House, told the judge on Tuesday “I was aware” that lying to the FBI was a crime. He said he accepted responsibility for his actions.

Prosecutors from special counsel Robert Mueller’s office had asked the judge to give Flynn little to no jail time because he had cooperated extensively with them and in at least one other investigation, a case in Virginia against Flynn’s former business associates in which they are accused of illegally lobbying for Turkey.

The “illegal lobbying” was penning an op-ed, by the way.

Prosecutors said Tuesday that Flynn had already given the “vast majority of cooperation” the judge should consider for his sentence but it was possible he could still help in other prosecutorial actions.

But Sullivan, of the US District Court for the District of Columbia, veered the sentencing hearing off its course.
After formally accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, the judge threw a series of questions at him that highlighted how unusual Flynn’s case is and how consequential his actions may be.

Did Flynn believe he was not guilty? Did he think he was entrapped by the FBI when they interviewed him without a defense attorney present? Had Mueller’s team considered charging Flynn with other crimes, including treason?

Flynn and the lawyers’ answers to all of these questions were no.

Yet Sullivan pressed on, his voice growing more shrill as he discussed Flynn’s actions.

Flynn lied even “in the presence of the White House,” Sullivan added. “You can’t minimize that.”

“I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense,” Sullivan said, pausing between each statement. “Yes, your honor,” Flynn said. He was not asked a question.

At one point, Sullivan wrongly suggested Flynn had acted as an illegal agent of a foreign government while serving as national security adviser.


At least in their print edition – pundits on their TV channel suggest this all the time.

But when you have CNN saying a judge sentencing a Trump ally is either lying or is so dumb that he does not understand the very basics of this case, you have an extreme situation.

“That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably, you sold your country out,” Sullivan said. Later, the judge walked that comment back, acknowledging that Flynn’s unregistered lobbying for the Turkish government ended in November 2016, while Flynn worked on the Trump campaign and transition and before they took the White House.

As much of the hearing unfolded and the tension in the room grew, there was little obvious reaction from members of the Flynn family, some of whom have embraced and amplified unfounded claims of FBI misconduct on their social media accounts. Many of them sat in the front row of the courtroom, and when the judge rhetorically asked if his “treason” implication was incorrect, some of Flynn’s supporters loudly said, “Yes.”

“Unfounded claims of FBI misconduct” – no one is arguing about FBI conduct. Comey told Flynn HE DID NOT NEED A LAWYER FOR THE MEETING and then he TRICKED HIM INTO LYING.

This is yet another travesty, on par with sentencing the poor lad Jimmy Fields for murder over a car accident.

The tricky Pikey James Comey should have been reading fortunes in tea leaves and stealing horses, instead he became the head of the FBI and used gypsy tricks to try and screw over normal citizens.


The charges against Flynn were the result of an absolute perjury trap. Comey sent agents to the White House – one of whom was Peter Strzok – to interview Flynn for the express purpose of catching him in a trap.

Because Comey was on a mission to destroy Trump – the same mission that is recorded on the text messages of his top agent Strzok, which for some reason we have completely stopped talking about.

The FBI already knew everything they were asking Flynn about. Comey told him beforehand it was a friendly meeting, and he didn’t need any lawyers.

Then the Pikey grifter Comey bragged on TV that he couldn’t have gotten away with this perjury trap if it wasn’t a new White House administration.

Watch the clip. The audience laughs as he describes tricking the White House and Flynn and setting him up in a perjury trap.

The Pikey grifter Comey sent those agents in without even TELLING THE WHITE HOUSE.


Flynn’s crime was misremembering a perfectly legal call he made to the Russian Ambassador – on behalf of Jared Kushner, mind you – about some dumb thing to do with a UN vote on Palestinian settlements. It’s worth noting that Russia never votes in favor of Palestinian settlements, so one has to perhaps wonder why Kushner demanded Flynn make this call – but that’s a separate issue.

Comey knew about this call, he apparently had the transcript of the call, and he sent Strzok to see if he could trick him into not remembering it.

And this is how our Justice system operates. They just trap you with tricks and then charge you with crimes you never would have committed if they hadn’t have lied to you.

Our government is completely out of control.

It doesn’t matter if you’re Jimmy Fields or General Flynn, if they don’t like you, they will crucify you, and there is nothing you can do. All the lawyers in the world cannot save you when this rogue government comes knocking.

Just imagine what the Founding Fathers would be thinking of this mess.

Methinks our PATRIARCH Thomas Jefferson might be noting that the TREE OF LIBERTY is looking very THIRSTY!