Generation Zyklon: High School Kids Post Trump Posters All Over Black Teacher’s Room, Build a Wall Over Mexican Teacher’s Door

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 20, 2017


The future belongs to the youth. And the youth belong to us.

From the time we started this website, we had no intention of appealing to a bunch of guys in their 40s and 50s who identified with White Nationalism. There were, at the time, plenty of websites already catering to existing racially-aware white people, and we had no interest in such a thing.

Our sole interest was to cater a message to young people. That is, people under 25, but with a specific focus on teenagers. Our goal was to hijack meme culture, and implant in it messages of anti-Semitism and white racial identity. Memes allow ideas to transfer easily from person to person. Creating a meme is like creating a virus.

Through this message, an entirely new culture can be created organically, using the structure and symbols of the existing culture.

We adopted the tone of 4chan, where an organic youth culture had emerged. Effectively, 4chan was an incubator for the perfect type of internet aesthetic and tone that would appeal to young people.

Of course, we understood the ease with which this could be done, given that all you have to do to establish yourself as the cool kid is define yourself as rebelling against an established system intent on hindering the fun of young people. And was there ever a system more intent on hindering fun that the modern Jew-leftist establishment?

In particular, we adopted the tactics of the 1960s Jewish revolutionary Saul Alinsky, who used youthful rebellion to tear down a dominant culture. His system includes in it a method wherein all energy of the system served his own agenda.

All of this has worked out very well.

Whether the kids engaging in it know where it came from or not, the culture of 4chan, the Daily Stormer and other meme nationalism sites like TRS, has taken over social media through force of its superior memes, and it has become the default cool kids culture of young people.

It never mattered who we were. The only thing that ever mattered was our plan.

Never has the degree to which our plan has successfully unfolded been more clear to me than in watching a YouTube clip of a black teacher whining about how, following Trump’s win, the kids of her class posted Trump “Obama, You’re Fired!” posters all over her classroom. In the clip, she then walks down the hall to show that a Mexican teacher had a wall built in front of her door.

The fire has already risen.

We have already won the game.

The only thing that the Jews can do now is try to “shut it down” by attempting to discipline and punish the youth for rebellion. But, as Alinsky showed, any attempts at shutting down a rising youth rebellion simply feed into the energy of that rebellion. Like the absorbing man, the more you hit us, the stronger we get.

We already knew how the Jews would respond to this, and we have built that into our revolutionary model.

This is why every single time I see the Jews coming out with some new “SHUT IT DOWN BECAUSE THE GOYIM KNOW” program, I start laughing maniacally.

So sue us, Jews. Put our names on lists of evil men who must be silenced because of their rebellious beliefs. Give us hundreds of millions in publicity. Put us in the media spotlight as rebellious men being persecuted by a massive, humorless machine of social and cultural dominance intent on silencing anyone who makes jokes about it.

Become the exact thing that we have portrayed you as, then plaster it all over your own media.

This is all part of the plan.

There is now only one place this road ends.

This fire has already risen.

Hail Victory.