In the free range goy pen that is modern day America, Holocaust museums are the holiest of places.
Within the hallowed halls of these esteemed establishments, gentile visitors are expected to exhibit a series of specific thoughts and sentiments: unquestioning acceptance of the official narrative presented to them, feelings of reverence for the millions of God-like kikes who perished in wooden gas chambers and, most importantly, feelings of barely-concealed hatred for the murderous Germans that perpetrated it all.
Germans who looked just like you, white devil.
Naturally, the Boomers have nothing but respect for these seemingly omniscient museums. I mean, why would a Holocaust survivor like Elie Wiesel lie about the baby burning pits of Auschwitz?
Haven’t you seen how trustworthy he looks?
However, there is a group of people out there who aren’t so concerned about the historical fate of Shub-Niggurath’s chosen people. I’m talking about a generation so hardcore, so filled with righteous Aryan rage, that they disavowed Adolf “Cuck” Hitler the moment they discovered that he didn’t gas six million innocent Christ-killers.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet Generation Zyklon!
A Pennsylvania school district is investigating complaints that students on a class trip to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum posted pictures making light of some exhibits.
Superintendent Ed Bowser of the Forest Hills School District said Friday officials are looking into social media posts from the senior class trip Wednesday to the Washington, D.C., museum.
Senior class president Gage Singer tells The Associated Press that most students were respectful, but a small number “made a mockery of what they saw,” including in a Snapchat post of shoes confiscated from concentration camp prisoners.
In a letter posted online, Singer called the conduct “unacceptable,” and apologized on behalf of the entire class.
Bowser says any student discipline will be handled privately.
Seriously, reports like this one emphasize how out of touch and self-centered the Jews really are.
These kikes really believe that after force-feeding our kids a high-carbohydrate diet of abject atheism, sexual degeneracy, rootless cosmopolitanism and pedophile jokes, those kids are still going to maintain a dignified, serious, cap-in-hand silence for a bunch of Middle Eastern moneylenders that died – sorry, perished – half a century before they were born.
Give me a break.
If you’re going to use your control of the media to promote the most extreme levels of nihilism to today’s youth, Jews, then you can’t expect those youth to have respect for anything – especially not for you.
The world doesn’t work that way.
We’re going to see more stories like this one in the years ahead. The Jews have pushed us too far, as usual, and the most inherently rebellious elements of white society – the kids, the teenagers, the twenty-somethings without prospects in a world that despises them – are starting to fight back.
And to think, the students who visited this museum and “made a mockery of what they saw” presumably believed that the Holocaust happened.
Can you imagine the “mockery” that will occur once they discover that the Holocaust is a fraud?
Because they are going to find out eventually, kikes.