Generation Zyklon, We Salute You

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 29, 2017


My favorite tweet of the year came at the end of it.

Thank you, Matt Yglesias.

You have brought me deep joy.

Of course, the Slate writer Matt Yglesias is Hebrew people (god’s chosen people), and is thus in a constant state of fearing being gassed like lice by stormtrooping Aryan supermen.

So maybe he’s exaggerating then?

I don’t really think so.

The fact of the matter is, the ability to be racist, collectivist and even genocidal are not states that white people are somehow biological incapable of. Nor are we biologically incapable of evaluating information and reaching logical conclusions based on that information.

Our current perception of the white race is based on the baby boomers. They are a socially-engineered generation, defined by childlike sentimentalism and fear of personal development and adult responsibility. They are trained to avoid pain, including any pain which may come from attempting to process philosophical or intellectual complexity of any kind. This deformed vision of humanity has had a resonating effect on successive generations (Gen X and Millennials), being transmitted through the culture. But the internet has allowed the creation of an entirely new culture.

My vision of a solution for the white race was to play a long game by targeting children. In my mind, I generally envision the Daily Stormer as “children’s media.” Yes, I put a lot of stuff in here for older people, and I enjoy the site myself… but the target audience is “15 and under,” given that I believe that in order to create a real social movement, you have to start with people who are not full-formed in their worldview.

And it is working.

We are not really seeing the results yet.

But let me tell you this.

When dealing with this entire shutdown program against the site, I comforted myself with the fact that this is the type of thing that young people who went through it will never forget. I have had several high schoolers write me and tell me about how everyone at school was talking about it.

No one who read this site believed that it was because of a fat joke. It proved every point we have made here. It is outrageous to everyone to have a website simply wiped out, but it was especially influential on those who grew-up with the internet and had a very specific understanding of the way it is supposed to work as a reliable part of their personal lives.

Liberals Not Ready for Generation Zyklon

Yglesias is particularly prescient in his assertion that liberals are not ready for the next generation.

Basically, the Jewish system was not expecting an energetic youthful resistance to their agenda, and so did not even have a plan to market their ideology to the youth. They simply assumed that it would be the default ideology and that this was enough.

They have no offer to make to the youth.

To the boomers, they offered a range of various feelgoodism, but primarily they offered sex. But every young male knows that feminism and the social acceptability of female hypergamy has killed sex options for 90+% of men.

So think about it for a minute. See if you can think of a single thing that the current system is offering young white men.

Other than “you can inject yourself with female hormones and cut your dick off,” I can’t see anything at all.

They are instead telling them they are evil and responsible for everything wrong in the world and telling them they must be punished for it.

We are offering them:

  • Sex (putting these stupid whores back in their place)
  • Power
  • Respect
  • Children
  • Humor
  • Fun
  • Rebelliousness
  • Video games without SJW themes

The Jews have no response to us, which is why their only response is “oy vey the goyim know shut it down.”

This is why it was so important for us at the Daily Stormer to resist the shutdown successfully, and that we have done.

We have been on .red for nearly a month now, and the website ranking website is showing us maintaining the numbers we had pre-shutdown.

Alexa ranks sites on a 3 month scale, so if we stay on this domain 2 more months, we are projected to be back in the top 10.000, where we were before the shutdown. And this is WITHOUT search engine traffic, which means our regular readership has vastly INCREASED due to the drama surrounding the attempted shutdown by the Jews.

If the Jews had successfully shut us down, they would have moved on to the next site, then the next, then the next.

The importance of what we have done cannot be overestimated. The future of the internet LITERALLY hangs in the balance here.

It is only because of weev that we were able to stay up. So please support him.

The Future 

Currently, the Alt-Right is scrambling to find a leader figure. And people are getting upset that there isn’t one.

And yes: that is a difficult problem. We have all of this energy, but there is no leadership really at all. I don’t want to say anything negative about the people trying to lead right now. I am grateful for the effort, even if I don’t always agree with what they’re doing, but it is simply a clear fact that no serious leadership exists. Because if it did, we would all know it – if there was a true leader, no one would be asking about who the leader was.

But look: those of us in this now are all just John the Baptist figures.

My vision for this website was that THE NEW HITLER would be someone who grew up reading it.

And we’re right on track.

An entire generation has been influenced by the vision of the Alt-Right, and a generation is a lot of people. Many great men are incubating as we speak, preparing to come forward. Know that.