Genetic Company Offering Eugenic Screenings, But Only for Racial Jews

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
May 15, 2017

There are a lot of ethical gray areas in respect to eugenics, and what looks good on paper is not always how it manifests in practice (Lothrop Stoddard’s book on the Third Reich documents how restrained infamous German eugenic courts actually were). There’s a strong argument to be made for passively bettering the race by offering financial incentives for dwarves (for example) to get their tubes tied, but also the abstract creepiness of people getting abortions because they don’t want their kid to have red hair or because they want a girl instead of a boy.

But that doesn’t change the fact that Jews oppose all eugenics, all talks of scientific inquiry into eugenics, even common sense arguments that would improve human life…


That is because everything Jews accuse us Nationalsocialists of is projection. They are merciless Hobbesian pragmatists when it comes to maintaining a racial edge in competition for world power. Schlomo and Shoshannah fall in love but carry genes increasing the chance of children with Cystic Fibrosis? Jewish DNA matchmakers tell Shoshannah to go back into the stud farm and pick someone else.

Now a DNA company owned by Amazon is offering to streamline the process, making it accessible to do at home. Their latest product is aimed at racial Jews.

Jewish Press:

Good Start Genetics last week announced the expansion of its physician-ordered, genetic counseling-supported, at-home carrier screening tests VeriYou™, to include screening for 19 inherited genetic disorders more prevalent in the Ashkenazi Jewish population.

The National Jewish Genetic Consortium and medical guidelines recommend screening for these disorders among people of Ashkenazi Jewish descent. Good Start Genetics is the first company to bring clinical-grade, physician-ordered and affordable carrier screening tests into the home, accompanied by access to board-certified genetic counselors.

Good Start Genetics is dedicated to women’s health and helping grow healthy families through its best-in-class genetics offerings. Using advanced clinical sequencing, proprietary methods and information tailored to the individual, the Company’s suite of offerings arms clinicians and patients with insightful and actionable information to promote successful pregnancies and help build healthy families.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), nearly one in five people of Ashkenazi Jewish descent are carriers of a Jewish genetic disorder.

“We are committed to broadening access and removing barriers to best-in-class testing for mass clinical markets,” said Good Start’s president and CEO Jeffrey Luber. “Healthcare is rapidly changing in a way that enables new delivery models in reproductive health that broaden access and affordability for millions. Central to our commitment to responsible testing, is our inclusion of physician ordering and world-class genetic counseling with every test, and at price points not previously seen in the market.”

What about other races? Many different European ethnic groups have genetic illnesses, but does Good Start Genetics screen for all of them? The Irish, German, English and Italian populations of America all outnumber Ashkenazi Jews, but looking at the list of diseases they screen for, it is quite generalized.

That’s because Occidental people practicing eugenics is racist. Because the people who say this are Jewish, there’s nobody around to call them racist.

Lothrop Stoddard: Your standard goy skin-hater (note the mustache).

Just another double-standard, but they don’t care. Only Jews and awakened Aryans understand the battlefield and how to fight it. I wonder what the Baptist Zionist crowd who revel in purposely birthing mentally retarded children would think if they knew what Dor Yeshorim does for the “people of the book.”

Side Note

Is anyone else noticing how these Jew or Jew affiliated globalist multi-nationals are unusually interested in collecting people’s genetics? Amazon is partnered with Good Start Genetics, while a €200 billion European based private equity (Permira) runs and (((Google))) owns 23andMe. Maybe I’m being paranoid – but being paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you. Israel has been developing “ethnic bioweapons” for decades.

Jews teach whites that there is no genetic foundation to race, then turn around and develop bombs that only kill people who have DNA patterns of a specific race. Just let that sink in, and you get a taste of exactly what kind of nemesis we are dealing with.