Genuine Americanism IS Fascism

Clement Pulaski
Daily Stormer
December 10, 2013


Patriotic Americans are becoming increasingly aware that our nation is facing a serious crisis. In order to successfully deal with our problems, we need to have a clear understanding of the essence of Americanism, of the true American spirit. In order to arrive at this understanding we must look at the foundations of the country and the different influences that shaped America. After establishing these points, we then must look at how the American spirit has been assaulted, and at what steps can be taken to reverse the decay.

At Tea Party rallies and other patriotic events, most speakers cite the Constitution and the free market system as the most important aspects of Americanism. While the Constitution and capitalism have certainly influenced American life, even these are merely outer expressions of the deeper essence of our nation. Individual liberty, the right to bear arms, a system of checks and balances designed to prevent the growth of tyranny—these constitutional provisions did not emerge spontaneously, but were a written distillation of the national spirit, a spirit which was formed over centuries, with some roots going back to the ancient world.

Perhaps the most important influence on the American love of liberty was the frontier experience. The colonists and pioneers often lived completely isolated from civilization, with military support days or weeks away. The conquest of the North American wilderness, although certainly a community achievement, was largely carried out by independent adventurers who trusted in God and their own skill to flourish in a hostile environment. The idea that big government is necessary for safety and wellbeing will always be viewed with suspicion by men whose ancestors were able to survive under such conditions. Although there are many similarities between America and other historically Christian Western nations, this spirit of independence will be stronger in America because of the mark left by our unique frontier experience.

The westward march.
The westward march.

After 150 years of living on the North American continent, the colonists sought their independence from the British. The pioneer mentality of liberty and self-reliance was a major factor in the movement, but the Founding Fathers also looked to other sources of inspiration when beginning their enterprise. Perhaps foremost among these influences was classical Greco-Roman civilization, especially the laws and governmental structure of the Roman Republic. The Greco-Roman cultural heritage has always been at the heart of European civilization, and many Western nations have looked to the works of the ancients when attempting to renew their societies. Another influence on the Founding Fathers was the Anglo-Saxon tradition of freedom, as embodied in documents such as the Magna Carta. Finally Christianity, the faith of the colonists, shaped the moral environment in which the War of Independence was fought and the Constitution was written.

Classical art and architecture has always been used to express American power.
Classical art and architecture has always been used to express American power.

Left-wing revolutions are inspired by a utopian vision that demands a complete break with tradition. These revolutions, such as those carried out in France and Russia, invariably result in mass slaughter and tyranny because a respect for tradition and for one’s ancestors is absolutely essential to maintaining virtue and order in a society. When looking at the American revolution, it is more accurate to say that it was a right-wing revolution; for although it did promise to dramatically change the form of government, it proposed to do so by looking to the past, drawing inspiration from the Roman Republic and ancient Anglo-Saxon customs and adapting these traditions to fit the particular culture of the Americans, the culture that had been shaped by the frontier experience and the Christian faith.

Born from this harmonious blending of traditional wisdom and unique local circumstances, the American nation remained true to its founding principles for several decades. By the middle of the 19th century, however, subversive currents had already appeared. The brutal conflict known as the Civil War brought about two disastrous consequences: the granting of American citizenship to the emancipated blacks and the destruction of state sovereignty.

Although some politically correct patriots try to pretend that the enfranchisement of former slaves was a fulfillment of the original American principles, the undeniable truth is that the United States was founded as a white country. The earliest citizenship law in American history, the Naturalization Act of 1790, stated that citizenship is only to be granted to “free white persons” of “good moral character”. The Founding Fathers considered the possiblity of eventually emancipating the black slaves, and concluded that if and when this were to happen, racial mixture must not be allowed. Writing on the subject, Thomas Jefferson stated the following:

Among the Romans emancipation required but one effort. The slave, when made free, might mix with, without staining the blood of his master. But with us a second is necessary, unknown to history. When freed, he is to be removed beyond the reach of mixture.

We can thus conclude that the preservation and advancement of the white race on the North American continent was one of the founding principles of our country, and that the overturning of this principle following the Civil War was a betrayal of the original American spirit.

An Aryan pioneer celebrates his triumph.

The defeat of the South in the 1860s prepared the way for further tyranny, and this assault on Americanism proceeded at a rapid pace during the first few decades of the 20th century. The year 1913 saw both the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the introduction of the Federal Income Tax. In 1919, the United States led the way in the creation of the League of Nations, the first attempt at world government. In 1933 FDR began his New Deal program, which greatly enhanced government power, and in 1934 Congress passed the National Firearms Act, the first law to severely restrict access to fully automatic weapons. Although many patriotic Americans such as Charles Lindbergh, William Dudley Pelley, Gerald L. K. Smith, and Father Charles Coughlin tried to stop the growth of tyranny, by the time America entered World War II, the country had already been greatly transformed and was controlled by an elite that was clearly hostile to the true American spirit. The right to bear arms, constitutional limits on the power of government, and the preservation of the white race—all fundamental American principles—had been done away with, either by violence or deception.

At the same time Americanism was being destroyed by subversives like FDR, Europe was facing the menace of Bolshevism. Following the devastation of World War I and the birth of the Soviet Union, many European nations were facing the very real danger of full-blown communist revolutions. The old ruling class of kings and nobles was powerless against the advance of the antichrist revolutionaries, and to meet these challenges, patriotic Europeans created new political organizations to counter the threat. These new patriotic organizations shared many characteristics and ideals with the American Founding Fathers. In order to solve the problems of their day, the Founding Fathers had returned to the origins of Western civilization and established a system of government based on Classical principles and tailored to the specific cultural and ethnic background of the American people, creating a state to preserve and advance the white race, where the aristocracy of virtue and natural talent would take the place of a stagnant hereditary ruling class. In a similar fashion, these European patriotic movements of the early 20th century drew inspiration from ancient Rome while also taking into consideration their own unique cultures. They sought to protect the Church from atheist communism, to establish societies without hereditary class distinctions, and found states devoted to the preservation and advancement of their race. These European patriots were the much maligned and slandered Fascists and National Socialists.

One might object that the fascist governments differed in many ways from the government of early America, particularly with the fascist states having much greater centralization of power and state authority. While I admit that these differences do exist, there are two important points to consider.

First, I have shown that the American Constitution was written to reflect the specific mentality and culture of a people that had lived as pioneers in a vast wilderness. Europeans who have long lived in more cramped, urban environments, will naturally have a slightly different attitude towards independence and self-reliance.

Second, the economic and political situation of Europe in the early 20th century was very different from that of America’s early years. At its founding, America was a mostly agricultural society with a large number of independent middle-class farmers. Americans were united in religion and race, and the Atlantic Ocean provided a natural buffer between our country and any military threats. In these circumstances, a system of limited government was appropriate and allowed the American people to expand and flourish.

The situation facing the fascist leaders in Europe, however, was very different. As previously mentioned, the Soviet Union was within striking distance, and Soviet sympathizers maintained large networks of agitators throughout the nations of Europe. The industrial revolution had in many cases brought about the destruction of traditional rural life and resulted in the exploitation of the working class, including women and children. Additionally, many European countries had large populations of Jews, a people alien in both race and religion. It is no wonder, then, that the Fascists adopted different measures than the Founding Fathers did, and used state authority to radically reform many aspects of economic and social life. But although some of the means were different, the goal was the same: to revive Western civilization along traditional and Classical lines, while taking into account the unique cultural and racial heritage of specific nations, and found new governments designed to promote the virtue and prosperity of the white race. That is not to say that the fascist governments were perfect or did not have some flaws, but when comparing them to their opponents during the war, it is clear that the Fascists were fighting on the side of justice.

Reviving the spirit of Rome.
Reviving the spirit of Rome.
Inspecting the standards.

Given these similarities between the Founding Fathers and the Fascists, it is not surprising that the Jew-controlled American elite of the 1940s decided to ally with the Soviet Union against these European patriots. FDR and his ilk, after destroying true Americanism at home, joined with the Communists and set about destroying the only states in the Western world that were champions of the original American ideals. Ever since World War II, when the last beacons of hope were snuffed out, the Jewish media and academic establishment have promoted the lie that we fought against the Fascists to defend America from tyranny, when it is these very Jews and their gentile allies who have slowly destroyed traditional Americanism and are seeking to create a totalitarian one-world government.

It is time to stop believing the lies about World War II that are promoted by those who wish to do away with American sovereignty and independence, and understand that in carrying out our struggle for national survival, we should look to the great ahievements of both the Founding Fathers and the Fascists for inspiration, just as those men looked to the glorious past of Western civilization.

We must also recognize the fact that the situation facing us today is much more similar to Europe in the 1930s than to the American colonies in the 1770s.  The Jews and the left-wing socialists have completely taken control, and the morality of our society has declined so dramatically that only a small minority of virtuous Americans remain.  The Founding Fathers understood that without a virtuous populace, freedom is impossible:

Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.
Benjamin Franklin

It is undeniable that Americans today lack virtue and self-control.  This lack of virtue is exploited by the Jews, who have become the undisputed masters of our nation.  Therefore, we cannot expect the majority of Americans to be capable of the freedom enjoyed by the founding generation.  The remnant of American nationalists must form the core of a fresh, vigorous state, one that can restore genuine Americanism by instituting a new moral order and a new authority.

Fight to revive genuine Americanism.
Fight to revive genuine Americanism.