Genuine Holocaust in RNC Livestream Comments Section

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 22, 2016


Since the end of World War Two, when they spread an idiotic, goofy lie about Hitler mass-murdering them using fake shower gas chambers, the Jews have been able to get everything they want by simply whining, invoking this retarded fantasy story called “THE HOLOCAUST.”

Recently, this method of whining has stopped working.

Jews have gone into full-on “does not compute” mode, repeating their whining nonsense over and over and over again to people who no longer care, making people care even less as they expose themselves as ninnying crybabies who believe their feelings matter more than everything else in the entire universe.

Case in point.

Lana Adler writes for the Forward:

The RNC, in an attempt to reach the wider public, decided to host a livestream through which viewers could watch the convention and comment in real time. One of the broadcasted speeches was given by former Hawaii governor Linda Lingle. She spoke of the inroads Republicans have made with Jewish voters and of Republican support for Israel — in and of itself a problematic conflation.

But the real barrage of ugliness came when the feed was flooded with anti-Semitic chatter from the alt-right. Messages like “Press H for Hitler,” “Ban Jews,” and “(((KYKE)))” poured in, seemingly in response to Lingle’s mention of Jewish people. Trump staffers eventually noticed the hate speech and shut down the chat function of the feed.

This is a troubling indication of the sorts of people who rally behind Trump, and of Trump’s implicit endorsement of them in his refusal to come out against their actions.

An even more damning example is his refusal to denounce the actions of his anti-Semitic supporters when they attacked and continue to attack Trump-covering Jewish journalists, such as The Daily Beast’s Gideon Resnick, The New York Times’ Jonathan Weisman, and Politico’s Julia Ioffe.

When Wolf Blitzer confronted Trump about the attacks on Ioffe, which included horrifying Holocaust imagery and death threats and which were the direct result of Trump’s displeasure about a piece she wrote about his wife, Trump refused to take the opportunity to denounce the attacks. Instead, he stated that he doesn’t “have a message to the fans,” and, adding insult to injury, turned the attacks back on Ioffe and the “inaccuracy” of her article.

But here’s the thing: Neo-Nazis and anti-Semites have publicly stated that they actively interpret Trump’s silence as an endorsement.

After the Blitzer interview, Andrew Anglin, the founder of the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, wrote glowingly of the refusal of “Glorious Leader Donald Trump” to “denounce Stormer Troll Army,” stating that the group “supports Trump because he is the savior of the White race, sent by God to free us from the shackles of the Jew occupation and establish a 1000 year Reich.”

Yo Adler – how about instead of whining like a spoiled toddler about the fact that I said that, you present a rebuttal to the argument that the United States is currently shackled by an Jew occupation force?

Because that’s where this is eventually going to go, no matter what – you Jews are going to have to engage in an open dialog with the people about the role you are playing in our societies.

At this point, putting off that dialog is just making things worse for your race. You are whining more loudly about people hating you than at any time in history, and now when people hear you whining – screaming “OH MY YAHWEH THESE TRUMP NAZIS ARE SAYING WE CONTROL THE MEDIA AND ARE ACTIVELY WORKING TO UNDERMINE GOYIM NATIONS FOR OUR OWN COLLECTIVE ETHNIC AGENDA – SOMEONE NEEDS TO STOP THEM FROM SAYING THIS!!!!” – you are creating a situation where normal people, who have nothing at all to do with Nazism, are saying “yeah but why are they accusing you of that though? Just for no reason at all? I don’t understand why there would be an entire movement of tens of thousands of people accusing you of something for no reason.”

And this is the whole of the matter.


It is incredible, really, that you Jews simply cannot accept the position you’ve found yourselves in, and just keep flailing deeper into the quicksand.

This was, of course, my plan all along. But I really couldn’t have imagined it would work this well. And just keep on working like this.

I wonder what this ADL council that has been formed to attack the Daily Stormer actually does. Any competent analyst could be brought in to say “well, the first thing you want to do is stop drawing attention to the fact they are accusing you of controlling society to forward a subversive agenda, because by drawing attention to these claims being made by Nazis you are just drawing attention to the fact that you are actually doing that.”


If I were to advise this council, the first thing I would tell them is to stop running all these articles about how Trump-supporting Nazis are accusing them of these things. Voluntarily drawing attention to wholly documented, factual claims by an opposition group without presenting any response to the claims is just basic insanity.

The next thing I would tell them is to form a new strategy for responding to the accusations when they are forced to do so. The main response I would encourage would be to laugh about it, to portray the Nazis as harmless idiots. When you respond to accusations of widespread control of society being used for subversive purposes by demanding those who are making the accusations be silenced, you give serious weight to the accusations.

But laughing it off will obviously only work for so long. They’re going to need a more long-term strategy.

And I can’t really see what that could be, short of changing their fundamental behavior patterns, which I don’t see happening.


Blacks can get away with the hoax that they are oppressed, because they are a completely failed racial group. They have no money or jobs or anything, so at least without facts it makes sense that they are being oppressed. Jews, on the other hand, are the wealthiest elite in the country, making it very difficult for them to claim oppression. They can only base this claimed oppression on a 70 year old hoax which people are caring about less and less by the hour.

The only thing which probably makes sense in the long term is for individual Jews or Jewish groups to begin selling out other individual Jews and Jewish groups. This bargaining process happened in the former Soviet Union when, following the collapse and subsequent Jewish takeover of everything, people were really, really angry at the Jews, ready to round them all up. Certain Jews said “yes, certain Jews are a problem, but I’m not like those certain Jews.”

Ultimately though, whatever the case, things are not looking good for the Jews.
