Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 31, 2015

Appearing on Charlie Rose to talk about the release of the new Jewish-produced Negrophilic Star Wars films, the franchise’s creator spoke frankly about the emotions involved with letting go of his creation, which he feels are his kids. Then he says he sold his kids to “White slavers.”
Statement is at 2:00:
In all honesty, this is probably just a slightly politically incorrect metaphor. But it is very funny that he would have this statement in light of all the racial controversy surrounding this film, which includes the appointment of a Jew, JJ Abrams, to produce and direct the formerly very White films.
Note that Disney, the company that bought the franchise, is completely Jew as well, run by Bob Iger.
Jews have been involved in all forms of slavery, including the trafficking of sex slaves, which is often referred to as “White slavery.” Presently, Israel is the number two destination of Eastern European sex slaves, second only to Saudi Arabia.
The Jewish media is presently attacking the statement as “unfortunate.” Oh how I hope they come out and say it was anti-Semitic.