Darkie Asks George RR Martin Asked Why Game of Thrones is So White

Roy Batty and Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 25, 2019

The fat man is in the hot seat again.

After having been pressed hard at Brown University a few weeks ago, Game of Thrones creator George RR Martin was ambushed and called-out again this week during an SJW+ foru- oh wait, no sorry, it was the WSJ+ forum.

Funny how similar the questions and atmosphere of the “conservative” Wall Street Journal forum are to any leftist college lecture.

The black host cornered him and asked him why there are not more people of color in the fantasy genre and in the Game of Thrones series. Specifically, he asked: “why in your opinion is fantasy so monocultural, and what could be done to change that?”

Martin made this face:

And then he took a deep breath and said that the answer was very simple: “because it’s written by white men.”

He then explained to the nigger what supply and demand is, saying that there are many up and coming nonwhite authors, but in order for them to become popular and sell books, people have to buy the books. And then, he told the nigger, if many people buy the books, they will get made into movies and TV shows.

I would take issue with Martin’s agreement with the black that there were no “people of color” in JRR Tolkien books though.

Basically, the entire Lord of the Rings series was about the various Islamic invasions of Europe. The dark races are the hordes of Mordor.

But I don’t expect poor George Martin to press that issue in an already very uncomfortable situation.

I don’t know why this poor old squirming fat man is constantly being trotted out to answer SJW questions, but I suppose anyone who is anyone – that is anyone with a public face – has to pledge his allegiance to the SJW religion. And he did write his books in the 90s, meaning that they contain a lot of stuff that is problematic these days. Even the first few seasons of the show, released in the late 00s, are problematic by today’s standards.

And naturally, all of this “fat man squirms in chair after being called a racist on stage” is generating hype for the new season of Game of Thrones that’s coming out soon.

I wonder if the dragons fuck any of the chicks.

Because that would be the ultimate twist.

And I wouldn’t put it past the writers. Pushing this whole female/beast dynamic really is cutting edge stuff.

Since there are no more gay characters in GOT that I am aware of, they really need to step their stuff up a notch to end the show with a subversive bang.

I humbly suggest the dragons-on-blondes idea. 

It’s less degenerate than what we usually see on HBO anyway. And women can’t exactly go out and fuck dragons… yet.