George Soros’ Foundation Flees Hungary

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 15, 2018

It’s a small victory.


George Soros’ Open Society Foundations is ending its operations in Hungary, accusing Budapest of repressing civil society. PM Viktor Orban has repeatedly slammed the tycoon for meddling in the nation’s internal affairs.

“Faced with an increasingly repressive political and legal environment in Hungary, the Open Society Foundations are moving their Budapest-based international operations and staff to the German capital, Berlin,” the group confirmed on Tuesday.

Patrick Gaspard, the president of the Open Society Foundations, lashed out at Budapest, saying it has “denigrated and misrepresented our work,” while repressing civil society “for the sake of political gain.”

The group based its decision on the fact that Budapest “prepares to impose further restrictions on nongovernmental organizations through what it has branded its “Stop Soros” package of legislation.”

Prime Minister Viktor Orban has repeatedly spoken out against the detrimental agendas of Soros’ foundation and other NGOs, accusing the billionaire of meddling in Hungary’s internal political affairs by funding opposition groups.

Speaking on the recent election and the victory of his Fidesz party, Orban said, “I know they won’t accept the result of the election, they will organize all sorts of things, they have unlimited financial resources.”

When news of the Open Society Foundations’ possible departure from Hungary broke in April, Orban said: “You might understand if I don’t cry my eyes out.”

In February, Fidesz submitted a bill to parliament called the ‘Stop Soros Act’ – in reference to the Hungarian-American tycoon – which would curb immigration and would also affect foreign-funded NGOs. The bill says that all NGOs which “support illegal immigration” need to be registered, while any NGO which gets money from abroad must pay a 25-percent tax.

I’m sure Soros does want to do a color revolution in Hungary, but the conditions for it don’t exist. So really, he wasn’t that much of a threat. He is more being used as a boogieman by Orban.

A literal boogieman. He put up all those posters.

Because Orban is pro-EU. And the EU itself is the real threat.

The further Hungary integrates into the EU, the more difficult it will be to get out of it. And the more integrated they are, the less autonomy they have as a nation.

So for all of Orban’s big talk on immigration – and in fact his big action, building fences and refusing to accept migrant transfers – it is useless in the long run.

Because eventually, they will be so integrated into the EU that they will no longer be able to make these decisions themselves. The EU will have enough control over the country that they will simply be able to say “you have to take these immigrants” and Hungarians will not have the legal right to refuse.

The EU is openly a plan for a European super-state with a fully centralized government. This is not controversial, or a conspiracy theory, it is in their official charter and has always been the stated goal of the project.

It is all part of a Jew plot to turn the entire world into 3 blocs ruled by a single global government.

It is simply not possible to be a nationalist and pro-EU.

Meaning that Orban is a fraud, using the EU money to keep his country’s economy good, while talking a good game on right wing issues, selling his people down the river.