Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 20, 2015

Not a day goes by now that I don’t read about some silly-billy Jew Jewing his own self. The Jews have Jewed us all over so bad, they now have no choice but to Jew themselves.
A swastika was posted on the bulletin board of a Jewish fraternity in a George Washington University dorm on Monday, leading upset students to immediately report it to police.
The symbol — recognized as an emblem of hate from Nazi Germany — apparently came from an internal source: A member of the fraternity, who is Jewish, admitted that he posted it there. The student said that he brought it back from a spring break trip to India, according to university officials.
GW’s president, Steven Knapp, wrote in a message to the campus community that “while the student claims his act was not an expression of hatred, the university is referring the matter to the MPD for review by its Hate Crimes Unit.”
On Tuesday, the student was expelled from the fraternity by national leaders of Zeta Beta Tau.
“This type of behavior is unacceptable and is not tolerated by the brothers of this fraternity,” Nick Carr, president of the local chapter, said in a statement. “We are appalled by the actions taken by this undergraduate.”
Hillel Executive Director Yoni Kaiser-Blueth added, “The swastika is a symbol of hate and horror. It has no place here at The George Washington University.”
So, student is Jew, posts symbol that has no direct relation at all to Hitler and the gassings of the sixty trillion, and yet he is charged with being a Nazi and hating his own self.
This is the Jews turning on themselves. They easily could have been like “hey bro don’t post that Hindu symbol, it reminds me of the Hitler symbol and the fact that my entire family was made into lampshades.” But no. Instead they call the goyim police and demand their co-ethnic be Jewed.

This shall now and forever more be known as self-Jewing, defined as “the act of a Jew Jewing his own self or Jewing another Jew as he would a goy.”