Refugee Resettlement Watch
November 5, 2014

The flood of Unaccompanied Alien Children that came across the US southern border this summer is now having an impact on local school systems as school boards and administrators have to figure out how to educate them, some of whom speak rare dialects and have had little formal schooling. All of this is, of course, going to cost local taxpayers and disrupt learning for many American kids.
Here in the Gainesville Times, we see that officials are already referring to the illegal aliens as refugees.
They are not refugees, but that is what the Obama Administration and the United Nations (which calls the shots!) wants you to believe.
Indeed, it is my view that the whole invasion mess represents the big push to change the internationally understood definition of what constitutes a ‘refugee’—someone who is escaping persecution for reasons of religion, race or political persuasion.
Once they succeed in redefining refugees (asylum seekers) as people escaping crime, the entire system crashes and anyone in the world can claim asylum in America simply alleging that they fear criminals where they live.
Gainesville is in Hall County (the poultry capital), see a previous post on the problems there with the influx of UACs.
From the Gainesville Times on Saturday:
As children from Central America have fled to the U.S. as refugees, some have wound up in Gainesville schools, but officials said they don’t keep track of how many. [Kind of hard to budget then don’t you think!—ed]
“That’s not a question that we ask,” said Laura Herrington, the district’s director of Title III, a federal program that includes English language learning.
Still, Herrington said the students are there even if there isn’t an exact count.
“I know that we have some who speak dialect, and the dialects that they speak are indicative of some countries in Central America,” she said. “We haven’t asked our students to tell us their stories yet.”
The refugees, she said, are educated in the same program as other students who learn English as a foreign language.
Herrington estimated 30 of about 200 high school students learning English are newly arrived from Central America this year. There likely are more in middle and elementary school, but she doesn’t have a number.
7,000 – 8,000? Where is that number coming from when HHS’s own website says a whole heck of a lot more (see graph!)?
According the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, an average of 7,000 to 8,000 children enter the Unaccompanied Alien Children program each year, and 93 percent of them from El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras. The children often come to the United States to escape violence, abuse or persecution, to seek family members or to find work. They sometimes are brought into the country by human trafficking rings, according to the department.
Obama and the UN—they are REFUGEES
The United Nations has pushed the U.S. to treat children from those three countries as refugees displaced by armed conflict, as drug traffickers and street gangs have made the three-country region one of the world’s most violent.
Last month, the Obama administration began a program to give refugee status to some children from those countries in response to the influx of unaccompanied minors entering the country illegally. Under the program, legal immigrants from those countries can request that children related to them be resettled in the U.S. as refugees. [And, thus be eligible for all the welfare goodies official refugees receive!—ed]
All of our coverage, going back several years, is here in our ‘unaccompanied minors’ archive.