German Children Finally Fighting Back Against the Kike Oppressor…!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 30, 2018

Finally, German children are standing up to the kike oppressor.

jk it’s Moslems lol.

But of course Germans are being blamed and told to fix it.

Not sure what the solution is…

Great job flooding Germany with Moslems, Jews.

Seriously. Great. Job.


The Local:

After the father of a Jewish child at a Berlin primary school told a newspaper about anti-Semitic bullying experienced by his daughter, Germany’s Jewish community called for more action on Tuesday.

A girl at the Paul-Simmel-Grundschule was reportedly told she deserved to be beaten and killed by a schoolmate when she admitted to being Jewish, her father told the Berliner Zeitung on Saturday.

Where’s the lie tho?

“Our daughter was accosted by Muslim students because she does not believe in Allah”, he claimed.

According to the father, the young girl was asked last week by a fellow classmate if she was a Jew. When she affirmed, the student began to repeatedly chant “Jew” in a threatening tone.

This was not the first time the young girl been threatened in her school because of her background, her father said.

Other instances include an alleged threat that she would be beaten and killed because she did not believe in Allah, and verbal warnings that anyone who did not believe in Allah would burn.

“We, as parents, were scolded by one of her classmates because we did not educate our daughter in the belief of Allah,” the man, who wished to remain anonymous, claimed.

Josef Schuster, head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said on Tuesday that, given Germany’s history with anti-Semitism, it is of the utmost importance that Germany protect its Jewish students from harm.

He told der Tagesspiegel, “if Jewish students can no longer go to school without fear of anti-Semitic abuse, there’s something wrong in this country”.

This is so nuts.


Germany’s new Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD), who is currently on a state visit to Israel, also spoke out against the incident.

“When a child is threatened by anti-Semitism, it is both a shame and unbearable. We must stand against every form of anti-Semitism”, Maas told Bild on Sunday.

If by “stand against anti-Semitism” you mean “wipe them out,” then I’m fully on-board.

Because after all – there is no “anti-Semitism” without semitism.

And thus far throughout the entire history of the Jews, we have not found a single place where there was Semitism without anti-Semitism.

So eradicating anti-Semitism seems very simple to me.