Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 23, 2016
Following the train axing by an Afghan migrant, which took place a day before yesterday’s mass shooting by an Iranian migrant, a female German politician came out defending the terrorist axe-man, saying the police were wrong to shoot him.
A German comedy group has produced a video mocking the dumb bitch, and it’s actually pretty funny. It shows a cop defending himself from the knife attacker by giving him a hug and handing him his gun in order to demonstrate trust.
What struck me watching it is that it felt like it should be illegal to make this kind of comedy. It is, after all, mocking the death of a terrorist, and terrorists are a protected group in Germany, given that they are not White. It could also obviously be construed as mocking the intelligence of women, which I think is also illegal in Germany.
It is a relatively bizarre phenomenon to see a comedy clip and ask yourself “how is this legal?” And clearly this feeling is much more extreme for Germans. I don’t live in Germany, I am simply exposed to their culture on a daily basis remotely via these tubes. There must be a feeling of extreme psychological oppression among all citizens in the country – a heavy sense of fear and loathing, the sort of which we think of as having existed in the Soviet Union.
And I’m not sure how long that is sustainable in this age of technology. During the Soviet period, all human interaction was done in the physical world. So while you didn’t go out on the street shouting about things you disagreed with, you could still discuss them freely with your friends and family. Now, a large part of our normal human interaction is on the internet, and this is being monitored in Germany by the government. They are rounding people up on a mass scale for things they post on Facebook.
It seems to me that such a system of severe restriction on what thoughts and emotions you are allowed to express creates a situation so volatile, it is just waiting to explode.
But maybe it won’t?
SPECIAL BONUS: On the topic of axe-attacks, here’s a clip of the German police Union Chief, Rainer Wendt, saying that in the event of an axe attack, you shouldn’t try to defend yourself.