German Educational Standards Collapse in Asylum-Enriched Areas

Diversity Macht Frei
October 14, 2017

A new school study shows that the educational level of primary school children in Germany has gone through the floor.

In the last five years, German fourth-graders the average performance has deteriorated in Mathematics, Listening Comprehension and Spelling. By contrast, Reading Comprehension has remained at the same level as in 2011. This emerges from a study of IQB Educational trends, which the Culture Ministry published in Berlin on Friday.

According to Baden-Württemberg media reports, the study shows that the educational level dropped massively throughout Germany between 2011 and 2016 – but especially in two states: Bremen and Baden-Württemberg.

Since the last time data was collected in 2011, the composition of the pupil population has also changed. The share of grade 4 pupils of immigrant origin has increased by more than one third to 34%.


This is what Thilo Sarrazin predicted years ago in his book “Germany is unmaking itself”. If you receive immigration from low-IQ countries, average IQ falls and, since average IQ correlates with the prosperity of the country, the next generation will be poorer than the last. Merkel condemned the book before it had even been published and Sarrazin was hounded from his job at the German federal bank.