Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 28, 2015
These all seem like rather reasonable and respectable people who gathered at the German embassy in France to protest the Merkel Stratagem on Thursday.
As usual, Ruptly does not bother to give us subtitles. But I do know the word “fuck.” I also understand that “Europa Erwache” means “Europe awakens.”
This is the info they give us on a story that doesn’t appear to be reported anywhere else in English:
Hundreds of far-right protesters gathered near the German embassy in Paris on Thursday to protest against the “migrant flood into Europe.” The protest was organized by the SIEL (Sovereignty, Independence and Liberty) party aligned to Marine Le Pen’s Front National in France.
The demonstrators chanted slogans decrying German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s refugee policy and carried Hungarian flags to show their solidarity with Viktor Orban’s tough response to the refugee influx.
Not sure that “far right” makes that much sense in the context of the Femen-style punk-rock titty-flasher you can see in the video (though she is wearing a bra, so maybe that is the far-right version of titty-flashing).

I’m pretty sure these are just a bunch of people who don’t want France to become Islamic, and are angry that Merkel is purposefully trying to make the whole of Europe into an Islamic Caliphate.
Once you realize that this is what is going to happen – that there is no other possible outcome, if this “migrant” situation doesn’t stop, and these people aren’t sent home – it really doesn’t matter what your political persuasion is, if you are not a Moslem (or a deranged feminist with fantasies about brown people gang-raping you) you are presumably going to be against it.
The crux of the Merkel Stratagem rests on obfuscating the fact that a Moslem majority is inevitable within less than two decades if these policies continue, and that a Moslem majority means Islamic rule. It is basically all just “don’t believe your lying eyes, goyim, nothing weird is happening here… now look at this picture of a baby who drowned – and remember what you did to those six million Jews.”