German Ethics Committee Advises Legalizing Incest

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
September 25, 2014


A German Committee has decided that incest is now a fundamental human right. Their ethics council have decided that it is just ‘a social taboo’, rather than an offence against God, nature, our ancestors and our descendants.

Instead of looking to tradition and the effects on society and on the children of such illicit unions, all the committee were concerned about was the couple being able to satisfy their lust legally. The fact that it may mean cursing any children produced to being disabled for life, meant nothing to them. In fact, because other degenerates are allowed to force their disabilities onto their children, it was argued that these perverts should be able to also.

The Telegraph:

Laws banning incest between brothers and sisters in Germany could be scrapped after a government ethics committee said the they were an unacceptable intrusion into the right to sexual self-determination.

“Criminal law is not the appropriate means to preserve a social taboo,” the German Ethics Council said in a statement. “The fundamental right of adult siblings to sexual self-determination is to be weighed more heavily than the abstract idea of protection of the family.”

Their intervention follows a notorious case in which a brother and sister living as partners in Saxony had four children together. The couple had been raised separately and only met when the brother, identified only as Patrick S, was an adult, and his sister Susan K was 16.

The German Ethics Council has called incest a “fundamental right”.

Patrick S was sentenced to more than three years in prison for incest and the couple have since failed in their bid to have the guilty verdict overturned by the European Court of Human Rights.

The family was forced to live apart after the courts ruled that there was a duty to protect their children from the consequences of their relationship.

Two of the couple’s children are disabled, and it is believed that incest carries a higher risk of resulting in children with genetic abnormalities.

But the Ethics Council dismissed that argument, on the basis that other genetically affected couples are not banned from having children.

The Council said it based its recommendation on extensive research, in which it found many incestuous couples are forced to live in secret.

This is where pure individualism leads to: the complete disregard for everyone that has ever come before you and everyone that will come after. Incest is another crime like race-mixing, which the descendants will still be paying for generations after the original couple have ceased to be alive.

This never could have happened without outside influence in our societies, it is not something we would have come up with on our own, as we can see from our traditional laws against it.

There is only one group of people that would benefit from us legalizing incest and that is our enemies, who have already corrupted their own genome through incest and race-mixing.

The Jews have already destroyed their own genome and now they want us to destroy ours too.