German Government Tells the People to House Immigrants Inside Their Own Homes

Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
October 12, 2014

These cultures, goyim.
These cultures, goyim.

A German politician has called for a new law to be put in place which would allow German citizens to give immigrants free lodging in their own homes, rather than the German government building new homes.

Martin Patzelt, a lawmaker and member of the Christian Democratic Union, said moving immigrants (claiming to be refugees) into private homes, would mean immigrants cost the state less money, with the German government only having to pay the immigrant’s cost of living and healthcare.

In times of crisis, we have to stay together and accept that the problem of the refugees is a common one,Patzelt said.

I am receiving more and more letters from people offering to host refugees, and a poll by RTL television showed that 30 percent of people, particularly younger generations, want to help,

Hans ten Feld a representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) supports Patzelt’s plan.

The responsibility to accommodate these refugees ultimately lies with the German government, but citizens also taking them into their homes would be a positive signal from civil society,” ten Feld said.

Germany is the preferred destination of immigrants who claim to be refugees, with 65,700 asylum claims in the first half of 2014, and France was the second preferred destination.

However Germany and France took in fewer refugees that Sweden, which has taken 21.3% of all “refugees” in Europe.

Anti-Whites are always looking for new ways to get more and more immigrants into White countries. This may get made law in Germany, but there are very, very, few Germans who would actually move a complete stranger into their own homes.

The massive influx of non-White immigrants into White countries is gradually turning our countries into minority White countries.

We call this White genocide because many anti-Whites agree that this is happening – they agree that their policies are turning White people into a minority, but they just disagree that it’s genocide.

They are unaware of the United Nations genocide laws which criminalizes any action or policy which deliberately causes “harm or destruction” of a group “in whole or in part”.