Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 28, 2014

Last week, the faggot German lover of a Filipino tranny allegedly put down for faggot behavior by an American marine stormed a Philippine military base, apparently trying to take down the whole system in revenge.
This week, Marc Sueselbeck, who was “engaged” to Fil-fag boy “Jennifer” Laude, then tried to board a plane and was stopped at the airport. At which point the homo fainted.
When he attempted to board the Malaysia airlines flight from Manila, authorities halted him in his tracks and accurately described him as an “undesirable alien.”

They rightly stated that the faggot Suselbeck had demonstrated “gross arrogance” and “serious disrespect” when he climbed into a US-Philippine military compound and pushed a guard, allegedly going after Marine Private First Class, Joseph Scott Pemberton, who is being held there following the event where he allegedly used deadly force to defend himself from the tranny creature.
Apparently now the Philippine authorities are going to hold the faggot Suselbeck in the country and punish him in some way, which will probably be hilarious.
Authorities have said simply that he will “face the consequences of his actions.”