German Master Race Annihilates Brazilian Mongrels 7-1

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer

July 9, 2014

The German national team after their victory over Brazil last night.
The German national team after their victory over Brazil last night.

Last night, the Whitest team in the World Cup, Germany, destroyed the mixed-race nation of Brazil, beating them 7-1 – five of the goals were scored in the first 30 minutes of the game.

It appears that they actually felt bad, and lightened up on the poor brown folk in the second half.

While all European teams have been infested with diversity, Germany has remained the least colorful, and clearly, this is the reason for their domination.  It must be very difficult to function as one mind, as is necessary in football, when you are forced to play alongside members of another race, and this is clearly the reason why racially homogeneous teams such as those of Latin America have been doing so well over Europe in this year’s Cup.

Perhaps the most enjoyable part of the game were the continual shots of Brazilian fans weeping like children as their nation was humiliated by a superior racial opponent.
Perhaps the most enjoyable part of the game were the continual shots of Brazilian fans weeping like children as their nation was humiliated by a superior racial opponent.

This historic victory also symbolizes the return of the German people as a nation.  For the better part of a century, they were crushed under the guilt and shame that the Jews put on them, but the younger generation has begun to reject the lies of the Jewish parasite race, begun to look at themselves and their history in a new light.  In previous years, the level of shame they felt on the international scene would not allow them to perform so amazingly.

But the game has changed.

The people of Europe are waking up, Germany is waking up, and this rising tide cannot be stopped.  It will flood the earth, and the Aryan race will once again be returned to its rightful place of glory and domination over the earth.

Hail Germany.

Hail the European Race.

Hail Victory.