James Kirkpatrick
January 9, 2016

It’s a tragedy when German women are raped, but it would be an even greater tragedy if our diversity was a casualty.
Ralf Jaeger, German interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, has said that “what happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women.”
Jaeger was distressed that the multiple sex attacks on German women by men of “Arab or North African” appearance in Cologne on New Year’s Eve might bolster the arguments of anti-immigration campaigners. “This is poisoning the climate of our society,” he said.
[German Interior Minister: Right-Wing Chat Rooms ‘At Least As Awful As’ Cologne Sex Attacks, by Milo Yiannopoulos, Breitbart, January 7, 2016]
Meanwhile, “migrants” are telling German police that they are above the law. Actually, they’re right.
Masses of “heavily intoxicated men” which were described by witnesses as migrants bombarded police with fireworks and pelted with glass bottles, the report said.
“When we arrived, our vehicles were pelted with firecrackers,” the author of the report said. “In the forecourt and on the cathedral steps were a thousand people, mostly males of an immigrant background who were indiscriminately throwing fireworks and bottles into the crowd.”
The perpetrators reportedly tore up residence permits in front of police saying: “You can’t touch me. I’ll just go back tomorrow and get a new one.”
The author of the report also cited one of the men engaged in the unrest as saying: “I’m a Syrian! You have to treat me kindly! [Chancellor Angela] Merkel invited me.”
The German Interior Ministry stated on Friday that 18 of the 29 men were asylum seekers, Reuters reported.
A police officer anonymously told The Express newspaper that his squad had detained several people who had “only been in Germany for a few weeks.”
“14 were from Syria and one was from Afghanistan,” he said.
The level of disrespect towards police was “like I have never experienced in my 29 years of public service,” the author concluded.
[‘Mrs Merkel invited me’: Cologne assailants’ ‘shameful’ acts detailed in police report, Russia Today, January 8, 2016]
This is a classic example of what the late Sam Francis (if only he was alive at this hour!) called anarcho-tyranny. The state refuses to perform its basic functions of providing public safety and ensuring the continuity of the national community. Instead, it cracks down on the law abiding population. Thus, mass rape in public spaces is permitted, but if you mention something bad about it on Facebook, the security services are coming for you.
These migrants know their place in this system. In the eyes of the German government, a migrant from Afghanistan who entered the country under false pretenses has more rights than a German who has lived in the country his entire life.