German Police Blame Dead Neo-Nazi for Murder of Little Girl 15 Years Ago

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 30, 2016


That dead girl from 15 years ago?

Yeah, Nazis did that.

Just because they’re evil.

Yahoo News:

Police in Germany believe they have finally solved the case of Peggy Knobloch, a nine-year-old girl who disappeared walking home in 2001.

Known to some in the UK as the ‘German Madeleine McCann’ because of her passing resemblance to the British missing toddler, Peggy’s body was found in July 2016 around nine miles from her home in Lichtenberg, Germany.

A tiny scrap of material was found near the body, on which police found DNA linked to a known neo-nazi named Uwe Boehnhardt.

According to the Mirror, police now say that tests have confirmed that it is in fact Boehnhardt’s DNA on the scrap of material.

Boehnhardt was found dead in 2011 of an apparent suicide after a failed bank raid meant that police were closing in on his three-person neo-nazi cell, the National Socialist Underground (NSU).

The group is suspected of killing eight Greeks, one Turkish person and a German policewoman.

Of his fellow cell-members, Uwe Mundlos took his own life alongside Boehnhardt, while the only surviving member, Beate Zschaepe, is currently on trial for the murders.

Okay, so – maybe this Neo-Nazi did kidnap this girl 15 years ago.

But I certainly don’t believe it just because the German police said it. In all likelihood, they are lying.

These are the same cops who organized a massive cover-up of the Cologne gang-sex attacks and have continued in a massive program to ignore, dismiss and cover-up Moslem crime while going around arresting Germans for Facebook posts complaining about Moslem crime.

As a general rule, I would be more inclined to believe a random person on the street – even a drug addict or a Negro – than I would be to believe the German cops.


Uwe Bohnhardt: he doesn’t look like a baby-killer.

When you add the element of a discussion of Nazism, I’d be even less likely to believe the German cops. Like, at that point, I would probably be more likely to believe the filthy lying Jews.

The point is, German cops have less credibility than CNN. So basically, this story has absolutely zero meaning whatsoever.

I am 98% sure they are just coming out with it to attack Nazis at a time when people are seriously thinking about making a big push to resurrect this ideology as a defensive measure against the Merkel Program.

This is like a Beach Boy type situation, flashing this picture of the little girl and saying “Nazis killed her, goyim.”