Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 22, 2016

In one of the weirdest moves by the German government yet, the police have come out and claimed that the story of the 13-year-old Russian girl who was kidnapped and gang-raped by Moslem “migrants” is a hoax.
Police in Berlin have died claims of a “cover-up” over the disappearance of a 13-year-old girl after videos circulating on social media claimed she was kidnapped by asylum seekers and gang-raped.
The child, who The Independent is choosing not to name, has since been found and officers said there was no evidence of either crime.
Probably, the argument here is that she went with them willingly.
But even then, the Moslems are not being charged with statutory rape. The age of consent is 16.
“In recent days it has come to our notice that there is great interest from the internet community in the case of a 13-year-old girl reported missing in Marzahn-Hellersdorf and the circumstances of her absence,” a spokesperson for Berlin Police said.
The “interest from the internet community” was based on interviews aired with the relatives of the girl.
Germany is saying that these relatives are lying.
Does that make sense?
“It is true that the girl was briefly reported missing and has now returned. We are aware that a number of differing claims are being discussed on social media.
“The fact is – the investigation by our LKA (State Criminal Police Office) found that there was neither a kidnapping or a rape.”
They do not bother to explain where she was for 30 hours.
Again, presumably their reasoning is that the girl wanted the gang-sex.
We saw this in Rotherham – 13 and 14-year-old girls would tell the police about getting gang-raped and trafficked by Hajis and the police would say “oh you naughty girl you.” At one point, a girl was in the police station bleeding from the crotch, and the police sent her away calling her a naughty girl.
In response to questions on Facebook, the force said officers were aware of the videos circulating and continued to investigate the case.
“We expressly ask for your understanding that we cannot give further details, for the protection of the girl and her family,” the statement added. “We are also appealing for the subject to be handled sensitively on social networks.”
The Berliner Zeitung reported that the girl disappeared on her way to school on 11 January and was found the next day but conflicting claims about the incident have continued to circulate online, with videos and Facebook posts being viewed millions of times.
Interest spiked after Russia’s state-owned Channel One television broadcast an interview with a woman claiming to be the girl’s aunt on Saturday.Breaking down into tears, she claimed the child was abducted and raped repeatedly in a 30-hour ordeal but that police did not believe her account.
If she is lying, why is she not being charged with a crime?
Another woman, said to be the girl’s cousin, also spoke about the alleged incident at a rally held by the far-right National Democratic Party of Germany, which has been accused of links to neo-Nazism.
There’s those “neo-Nazis” again!
Always popping up as soon as “migrants” commit an atrocity!
She claimed that three “southern-looking” foreign men who spoke broken German lured her into a car and held her in a room for 30 hours, raping her repeatedly.
Denying claims the attack was a xenophobic hoax, she said the child had been questioned by police for three hours without her parents.
Surely, if this is indeed a hoax, the police should have no trouble proving that to be the case. And yet they do not seem interested in doing so.
The fact of the matter is that rapes happen constantly in New Germany (Ficki Fickistan) and go largely unreported by the controlled media.
Here’s the story of a 7-year-old getting kidnapped on the playground and raped by an Arab just a couple months ago:
The police didn’t need to come out and claim this was a hoax because it didn’t get any media attention. It was back when the media was still able to keep a lid on migrant crime.
The reason this one is getting so much coverage is that Russian media covered the story because the victim was Russian.
Writing for the Jewish website Bloomberg, the Russian Jew Leonid Bershidsky, who fled Russia for Berlin due to there not being enough liberalism in Russia, claimed Putin is using the “alleged” rape of this girl to diabolical ends.
He stops short of accusing the Russian government of staging this as a hoax, but nigh suggests it.
More intriguing is Putin’s interest in the events, manifested in the more-than-prominent play Channel One and several other pro-Kremlin news outlets have given the “raped Russian girl” story.
The far-right parties are his allies in opposing Europe’s centrist governments, which have united to sanction Russia for its depredations in Ukraine. Activists of Germany’s Islamophobic movement Pegida often wave Russian flags at their rallies. Now, the Kremlin is also using its far-reaching propaganda outlets to whip up support for these movements among the Russian-speaking diaspora.
What actually happened to the girl in Marzahn is the last thing that matters to those playing this game. Putin is acutely interested in stirring up trouble for Merkel in every way he can as he tries to wrong-foot her in talks on Ukraine and the sanctions.
Inevitably, after Cologne, the refugee issue is getting so politicized and drawing such nasty external actors that the real issues — improving the rather lax policing of German cities and educating the new arrivals about European culture and laws — becomes obscured. Merkel’s moral imperative in helping the refugees is no less clear than before, but it’s increasingly more difficult to handle the challenge with a cool head.
“Even if the migrants did kidnap and gang-rape a 13-year-old girl – and it’s probably some sort of hoax – the real problem is that Germany needs more police and New Germans need better educations.”
Problem: widespread gang-rape by invasive Moslem hordes.
Solution: Mo money fer dem programs.
Germany had “rather lax” policing because they had “rather lax” criminality. Germany has imported a gigantic criminal population.
And claiming that the solution is “education” is insane. Anyone who doesn’t know they aren’t supposed to gang-rape is not going to have their behavioral issues fixed by eduction.
Only a Jew.