German Police Speak Out About “Migrant” Crime Wave

The New Observer
January 18, 2016

Three German police officials have put their careers in jeopardy by daring to go public with their firsthand accounts of the nonwhite refugee-crime wave which is sweeping Germany as a result of the Angela Merkel-created invasion.


Michaela B.

The first, a policewoman from Dortmund identified by the Bild newspaper as “Michaela B.,” revealed how even she had been assaulted and robbed by the nonwhite criminals.

Saying that being a policewoman had always been her “dream job,” she was now “beginning to have doubts over the past few months.”

She said that over this period the “lack of respect, aggression, and the brutalization of society had become part of her everyday life.”

To make matters worse, she told the Bild, “perpetrators are not punished properly.  Every day we arrest criminals, but they are immediately set free again.”

She then told of how she was making her way home after a night shift in Dortmund. At the main railway station, she spotted a “North African” man following her.

“The man moved around me as if he was dancing—that’s a typical trick,” she continued. She pushed him away, but he grabbed her shoulder with one hand and her cell phone with another.

Another colleague then came to her aid, and together they subdued the man, later identified as an Algerian “asylum seeker.”

Her troubles were not an end: “While my colleague held the perpetrator on the ground, waiting for reinforcements, eight more North Africans surrounded us. They shouted that we were Nazis, racists, and that this was police violence.”

“This is also unfortunately an everyday occurrence,” she continued. “But we cannot help it if the criminals almost always come from Algeria and Morocco.”

When the Algerian was searched back at the police station, a second stolen cell phone was found in his possession. After a search, the man was then let out again, according to regulations.

“This is so frustrating,” Michaela B. continued. “Recently we arrested a pickpocket, and literally ten minutes later, we arrested him again. They just walk out of here [the police station] and carry on.

“They laugh at us, because they know that nothing happens to them. The prosecutors and judges have no interest in these offenders. We have often tried, but always fail, to get them into pre-trial detention.”

This astonishing regulation—not to arrest or detain “asylum seekers” arrested for street robbery and similar incidents—is official policy ordered directly by the German government.


Nick Hein

Nick Hein, the ex-chief of the Federal Police in Cologne, pointed out in an earlier Bild article how it is possible that an “asylum seeker” can commit crimes without fearing being deported.

“The answer is simple,” Hein said. “Article 53 of the Residence Act provides for expulsion of foreigners only in serious cases.” That section states that a foreigner shall be expelled only if they have been sentenced to a “non-appealable prison term” of at least three years within a five year period.

The same Bild article went on to quote another serving policeman, identified as “Bernd K.” He was detailed to serve at the main nonwhite invasion entry points into Germany for six months, specifically at Passau, Freilassing, and the main Munich railway station.

He said that there was deliberate suppression of the real nonwhite invader crime statistics. “People really have no idea of what is going on,” he said.

“For example, if an asylum seeker cut another person’s throat, then in the official report we are required to write that it was a ‘grievous bodily harm’ case instead of ‘attempted murder.’ This makes the statistics look better,” he said.

“In the last few months, I have written just one charge against a German. All the rest [of my write-ups] have been refugees. At the railway station, women are regularly sexually harassed and felt up. When we try and take them to court, we are told that this is not state policy, and that we are racist.”

Even worse, Bernd K. said, the police are not allowed to use physical force to restrain the nonwhite refugee-criminals once they are in custody.

“If a refugee wants to escape, this means we cannot even hold him down. This is dictated from above because that would be physical violence.”

In addition, he said, about “95 percent of refugees are single men, and half of them do not have valid passports or documents.”

Yet another serving police official, a woman of Greek descent already famous in Germany for speaking out about nonwhite crime, Tania Kambouri, revealed in an interview in Die Zeit newspaper that police in Bochum  are confronted all the time with violence and misogyny from “young, Muslim migrants.”

Kambouri, who became famous for a book she released earlier on the topic—and who somehow has managed to keep her job, despite intense pressure—told Die Zeit that when nonwhites are arrested, they routinely cry out “asylum, asylum” as their first line of defense.

“My colleagues and I are increasingly called out on more and more missions to deal with refugees who commit thefts, including for example, vehicle theft, and injuries inflicted outside their accommodations.”

“We have to deal with groups of young men who misbehave: they are loud, aggressive, disrespectful, violent, and contemptuous of women. Many of them come from North Africa: Algerians, Moroccans, which is cause for concern.”

She went on to say that there was no difference in behavior between Turks, Arabs, Lebanese, or the other nonwhite immigrants.  Even those who have been in Germany a long time—and have German nationality—hold exactly the same views, she added.

“I often experience it: They say they have a German passport, but they say: ‘I sh*t in this country.”

“Even if we only issue a parking ticket, we are immediately surrounded by ten, twenty, fifty people who scream, and shove us around. Really, it is only migrants. I have never seen Germans do this.”