Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 17, 2016

Following the ban on male hajis from a public pool where they kept groping local women, pools in Bavaria have released instructions on how to not grab women’s asses at the pool.

This is a real thing.
In Bavaria, swimming pools have issued leaflets with simple pictorial instructions on behaviour for migrants who may never have swum in public before.
The leaflets are available in multiple languages, including Arabic, French, Pashto and Somali, and include safety and behaviour tips in a comic book style.
All the common languages of Syrian refugees.
Particular emphasis is placed on stopping physical and verbal harassment of women, with images showing a red “no” symbol over an outstretched hand reaching for a woman in a bikini.
A Munich city spokesman told DPA that officials conceived the leaflets in 2013 after increasing numbers of problems in the city’s 18 public swimming pools.
Two years before the invasion.
Apparently, it was local Turks doing it back then, huh?
It’s almost as if no Moslems are able to control themselves sexually…
Really going to be hard work to get these people integrated into a feminist society. But Germans are known for their hard work.
“The ground rule of respect for women – whatever clothing they’re wearing – is unfortunately not respected by all our swimmers. That’s why there is an explicit indication about it,” the spokesman said.
There is no way not to love this situation. Unless you are a hyper-sensitive fag.
Immigration has from the beginning been a feminist value. Even if they don’t want to have sex with these apes, they look at them as little pets who they can nurture. Now their own pets are being unleashed upon them as a grope-army.
And none of this pussified establishment has any idea how to deal with it. You cannot possibly defend both feminism and Islamic monkeyism. They are both complete systems which cannot conceivably be reconciled with one another.
Islam, obviously, is the stronger system, and will eventually win out over feminism. It will dominate all Germany in a matter of a few short years.
Unless, of course, a third system enters the ring.