Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2015

On the 70th anniversary of the allied liberation of the Nazi-run Jewish Luxury resort of Auschwitz, the President of Germany, Joachim Gauck – who people are increasingly suspecting of being Cobra Commander in disguise – has warned the German people never to forget the lampshading of sixty gazillion Jews by Adolf Hitler. He said that they and their children and their children’s children and those children’s children, etc. will always be responsible for it because it is a fundamental aspect of German identity.
“There is no German identity without Auschwitz,” Gauck said before the packed chamber, where survivors of the death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland sat watching MPs, government ministers and Chancellor Angela Merkel.
“The memory of the Holocaust remains a matter for every citizen who lives in Germany. It belongs to the history of this country.”
He said the “moral duty” for Germany was not only to remember the past but also what he termed the “mission” to protect and preserve humanity and every individual’s rights.
“We say that precisely in times when, we in Germany, again have to agree on cooperation between different cultures and religions.
“The community in which we all want to live will only thrive where the dignity of the individual is respected and where solidarity is alive,” Gauck added.
“Different cultures and religions,” you say? Wow, that almost sounds like a reference to these asylum seeking hordes. But what would turning Jews into lampshades have to do with letting your country be invaded by Africans, I wonder? It’s almost as if the guilt over these lampshades is being used as a hammer to drive nails into the coffin of the German race.
What the President has admitted is that Germany is now a nation enslaved to a fictional historical event, that it can never escape it. And that’s true. There is no escape. There is only confrontation and conquest of the obstacle. The only way to do this is to dispel the myth. And that isn’t hard.
Again, I am going to plug the site Holocaust Deprogramming Course. I don’t know who put it together, but it has all the info on this hoax, proving six million times over that it is not only a filthy, vicious lie, but one of the stupidest lies anyone has ever come up with ever in history.
More important info about Joachim Gauck and his sick Jew agenda: