German Scientist Revokes Software License in Countries Importing Non-Whites

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 1, 2015

Remember goyim: The only people on the planet who believe White people have a right to exist look like this.
Remember goyim: The only people on the planet who believe White people have a right to exist look like this.
They only live in places like this.
They only live in places like this.

The number one thing you should never forget, goyim, is the Holocaust of the 60 trillion.

The number two thing you should never forget is that anyone who believes that Whites have a right to their own countries, a right to exist as a distinct people, they are an inbred redneck from a trailer park and they have sex with their sisters, drink moonshine all day long and live on welfare.

Science Mag:

A German scientist is revoking the license to his bioinformatics software for researchers working in eight European countries because those countries allow too many immigrants to cross their borders. From 1 October, scientists in Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Denmark—”the countries that together host most of the non-European immigrants“—won’t be allowed to use a program called Treefinder, informatician Gangolf Jobb wrote in a statement he posted on his website.

Treefinder has been used in hundreds of scientific papers to build phylogenetic trees, diagrams showing the most likely evolutionary relationship of various species, from sequence data.

Immigration to my country harms me, it harms my family, it harms my people. Whoever invites or welcomes immigrants to Europe and Germany is my enemy,” Jobb’s statement reads. “Immigration unnecessarily defers the collapse of capitalism, its final crisis,” the statement also reads.

The 2004 paper describing Treefinder was written by Jobb and Korbinian Strimmer, a bioinformatician at Imperial College London who says he hasn’t seen Jobb in 10 years. Jobb sent “grotesque emails with racist slogans” to professors in Germany in the past, Strimmer says. “His new diatribe against countries that host refugees is unbelievable.”

Strimmer says Jobb started a Ph.D. at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, under Arndt von Haeseler, now at the Center for Integrative Bioinformatics Vienna, who is also a co-author on the 2004 paper. Jobb later broke off his Ph.D., however, and joined Strimmer’s group for a year. “During that time I managed to persuade him to write the publication on Treefinder,” Strimmer says. It is not clear whether Jobb still has a job. (His website says that he “cannot work as a scientist, because my traditional views and values conflict with that elite’s doctrine.”)

You can read his full statements on his website.

What an inbred piece of moonshine-swilling trailer trash.

Oh, sure, the trailer park boy is great at inventing software used by thousands of scientists to produce phylogenetic trees for studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. I'm sure he's also pretty good at cooking crystal meth and robbing liquor stores!
Oh, sure, the trailer park boy is great at inventing software used by thousands of scientists to produce phylogenetic trees for studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. I’m sure he’s also pretty good at cooking crystal meth and robbing liquor stores!

This guy is almost as stupid and inbred as James Watson, discoverer of DNA, who is such an inbred racist piece of human filth that he politely suggested that it is possible that African Negroes are not as intelligent or capable as White people.

Inbred trailer trash James Watson, who won the Nobel Prize for having discovered DNA, is so inbred and stupid that he thinks Blacks are different than Whites.
Inbred trailer trash James Watson, who won the Nobel Prize for having discovered DNA, is so inbred and stupid that he thinks Blacks are different than Whites.