Germany: State-Sponsored Programs Teaching Invasive Roaches How to Bang Blonde Women

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 26, 2016


Blonde German lad Horst Wenzel is teaching Arabians how to bang German women. Because they aren’t “his women,” you see. that is a racist patriarchal concept. These are just random individual women with no connection to anything, no history or identity and no value as human beings for any purpose beyond pleasuring the sacred colored people – so who cares?

The analogy here would be inviting an openly hostile stranger into your home, feeding him, clothing him, giving a room to sleep in. Then when he tries to have sex with your daughter she rejects him, so you say “here, friend – let me teach you how to bang my daughter!”

This is insanity on a level which is totally incomprehensible.

Le Monde:

In Essen, the coach Horst Wenzel teaches the art of flirting to migrants. This local initiative locale meets a desire to educate the new arrivals in “German sexuality”. On the flyer, the meeting was set for 6 September, at 5 pm, in a district some way out of the centre of Essen, a city in the Ruhr. The topic: “Falling in love in Germany”. The organiser: Horst Wenzel, presented as “one of the most famous coaches in flirting”.

On the programme: “Based on everyday examples, show how men and women enter into contact and get to know one another better in Germany.” Target audience: not everyone. On this point, the flyer is clear: at the top it says clearly that it is a “flirting course for refugees“.

The “lesson” did indeed take place. There were Iraqis, Syrians, Lebanese there…most of them aged under 20. A journalist from the German daily Die Welt was also present. She describes the introduction session that was a little abstract, talking about the “pyramid of needs” and “communication levels”.

Then, very quickly, the participants get into the heart of the topic, with advice on the best ways of optimising their chances for encounters on Tinder-like apps, but also questions and responses on more specific subjects. How to seduce a German woman if you don’t speak German, for example?

This “flirt course” is not the first of its type. It’s an original local initiative that forms part of a more general movement. In Germany, the equivalent of the Family Planning Agency has already been sponsoring or managing very serious sexual education programmes intended for migrants for years. At the end of February, the German government in turn opened an internet portal called “My body in words and images”, and which is targeted at the refugees who had arrived in large numbers in Germany during the previous few months.

Translation via Diversity Macht Frei.

Yeah that website was super informative.

Zanzu” it is called. We wrote about it at the time it was released.


They actually – literally – provided diagrams explaining how Arabs can shoot semen into White women.


zanzu05 zanzu09

The site has an Arabic version.

Once again, let me make this clear: this invasion agenda has nothing to do with helping the poor widdle innocents escaping brutal civil wars. It is about exterminating the White race (Germans in particular).

And this has been stated. It was stated clearly before WWII by the half-Japanese Austrian nobleman Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.


In his book Praktischer Idealismus (1925), he wrote that the world of the future would be one of mixed race people being ruled over by a Jewish master race:

The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.

Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe’s feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.

This man is continually cited as the founder of the pan-European idea. Angela Merkel was given an award in his honor.

This isn’t some wacky conspiracy theory.

An article from July of this year by Cnaan Liphshiz (@hebrish) attacking Brexit cited Coudenhove-Kalergi as the reason why the EU is good.


Brought up in a multiculturalist home, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi made the fight against anti-Semitism a cornerstone of the Pan-Europa movement he founded in 1926. It was a major precursor of the European Union, which has evolved into a quasi-federal entity of 28 states with its own executive arm – the European Commission — parliament and judiciary.

Little wonder, then, that prominent Jews such as Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud endorsed the nobleman’s pan-European vision from its inception. They saw it as an antidote to the nationalism and racist hate that culminated in World War II and the Holocaust.

Determined to prevent the recurrence of such traumatic events, postwar European societies became open to adopting the revolutionary pan-European model of government.

Traditionally, Jews have been very supportive of the incarnation of von Coudenhove-Kalergi’s vision: the European Union, with its strong anti-racist rhetoric and agendas. But the growing influence of homegrown xenophobes, integration failures and Brussels’ perceived singling out of Israel for criticism have disillusioned many Jewish opinion shapers.

These conflicting Jewish attitudes were on display during the polarizing debate that took place in the United Kingdom over last month’s referendum on a British exit, or Brexit, from the European Union, according to Geoffrey Alderman, a historian and former member of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.

“There’s a belief that Jews are a very cosmopolitan, pan-European people whom one would’ve expected to show a large measure of support to the idea of the EU,” he said. But in Britain, “prominent Jews were in favor of exiting,” said Alderman, who himself was among the 52 percent of British voters in the June 23 referendum who supported leaving the bloc.

So, this race-mixing is all part of the plan.

And the plan is going very well.

Someone has to stop these kikes.