German Teaches Hajis How to Seduce German Women

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 30, 2016

We’ve reported before on Horst Wenzel, the young blonde German man teaching Moslem immigrants how to seduce German women.

Above is a clip from one of his classes, which also features interviews with white German women saying they’d be happy to be seduced by such a man.

The German government is funding this program. They have also funded other programs such as this with psychologists teaching the foreign men to seduce women.

Here’s a clip with one of those classes, where they actually get fat women drunk and tell them to entertain Somalians.

Along with this, the German government has released a website and manual – in Arabic and other invader languages – explaining in explicit detail how to have sex with white German women.

And not just how to have sex to get your jollies off, mind you – how to have sex to produce mixed-race children.

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This is a clear and blatant attempt to genocide the German race, using their women – who can always be swayed to do anything if they think it is socially acceptable – as tools in a breeding program.


Well, because of the Jews, of course.

The Jew-German politician Gregor Gysi has explicitly stated that the purpose of mass immigration is to destroy the German race, because they are all Nazis.

The Jews have been calling for Germans to be exterminated for nearly a century.

In 1941, the Jew Theodore Newman Kaufman published a book entitled “Germany Must Perish” calling for the genocide of the German people.


The book was praised by Jewish journalists in America and across the world.

Now, they’re finally getting what they’ve dreamed of.

And the way they are doing it is through guilt over the fake Holocaust, the emasculation of men and the manipulation of women.

All three of those are key elements to the agenda.

They start with the Holocaust guilt, claim that masculinity is a threat to society and use the schools to brainwash men into being weak pansies, then they give the women over to the foreign hordes and the men are to faggified to do anything about it and accept idiotic liberal tripe like “oh well, it’s her decision.”

This is an organized genocide, period.