German University Awards Degree to 102-Year-Old Kike Out of Holohoax Guilt

Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
June 11, 2015

This lying old commie kike holds up the very menu she was to appear on once they hauled her out of the oven.

Jew media is reporting that a German university has lavished a doctorate upon a hideous 102-year-old Jewess because 77 years ago Nazis allegedly blocked her from sitting her final exam.

Ingeborg Sylmm-Rapoport, who’s almost as old as the Dead Sea Scrolls, was foisted before cameras and flashing bulbs and sadly didn’t suffer any coronary consequences. In this Jew-run media circus she received her PhD from a war-guilt stricken Hamburg University’s teaching hospital, The Age reports.

Purportedly a “pediatric expert”, the withered old Jew crone, who’s being kept alive by witchcraft, now has the exalted but useless doctorate. Apparently, Uwe Koch-Gromus, the SJW dean of the hospital learned of ‘Dr’ Sylmm-Rapoport’s’ case on her 100th birthday. Compelled by Holohoax-guilt, he set the wheels in motion for a symbolic show of what amounts to an act of forgiveness-seeking for something that didn’t even happen.

The story goes that this Christ-killing whore completed her thesis on diphtheria back in 1938 when the door bust open on the exam room and the Schutzstaffel marched up to her. Having herded her inside the university’s crematorium, the cackling SS officers then danced the traditional German knee-slapping dance upon her ashes before rushing off to find more kikes to ignite. So she never did get that final tick of academic approval.

No one is buying this crap anymore.

Who’d have thunk that 77 years later this historic injustice would be righted at probably the exact time she’s about to float off to the great kosher oven in the sky.

Fully chuffed for making reparations for the past evil deeds of his country Koch-Gromus rejoiced after her exam that the ancient Hebrew hag was “simply brilliant.” He gushed, “We were impressed by her intellectual alertness and speechless over her expert knowledge, even in the area of modern medicine.”

Last month this crafty old fraudster told Germany’s Tagesspiegel that “It was about the principle, not about me.”

All of this might’ve been avoided if it wasn’t for Hitler’s regime, which barred her from sitting her oral exam. Back in 1938, her professor at Hamburg’s ‘Israelite Hospital’ (yep) had issued her with a certificate that served to validate her in lieu of the racially discriminatory laws that forbade her from messing with babies.

According to the article, in the run-up to her belated exam, “friends researched developments in diphtheria over the last eight decades for her.” Gee, you’d imagine all her friends would be coke-stains on the inside of Auschwitz’s chimney stack by now, but hey!

Now she has the illustrious honor of “probably” being the oldest person in the world to have received a doctorate, says the hospital’s media huckster.

Getting back to the guilt narrative, the university’s medical director and chairman, Burkhard Goeke, humbly spoke of being able to restore “a piece of justice.”

He issued a tear-soaked statement in which he lamented, “We can’t make the injustice that occurred undone, but our insights into the past shape our perspectives for the future.”

However, the whole lie leaps out like a jack-in-the-box at the admission that this dishonest old bagel-dog had “immigrated” to the US back in 1938 where she got married and continued her career in paediatrics. So she didn’t suffer a damned thing, but the unspeakable horror of having to spend two years studying in Philadelphia for her official PhD.

Oh, and this bit shouldn’t surprise anyone. Having made it to the land of the free, her and the hubby with their four little Jew rat children then relocated to communist East Germany in the early 1950s. This wretched victim of Nazi oppression, who wound up in an enviable situation in America, being a dirty communist, chose to head back and lap up life under the Stalinist regime where she prospered in her chosen profession. In 1969, she  assumed the first neonatology professorship at the prestigious Charite university hospital in Berlin. So what, for the love of Freda, is this doctorate for? That’s a rhetorical question by the way, readers. Her story is clearly one of privilege and choice.

It’s more than likely that Steven Spielberg already has the rights to this damning saga. Once this weepy tragedy hits screens all over the world, it will have been tweaked sufficiently in the propaganda department, so that the next generation of Germans will be obliged to compensate the next generation of Jews.

Indeed, the Nazis might all be dead, but the lie lives on forever, and ever, and ever…