German Woman Tied to a Pole and Raped in Rome

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 21, 2017


If there were more immigrants, they would do things like this less often.

The Local:

A woman was tied naked to a pole and raped in a Rome park, according to Italian media reports on Monday, the latest in a string of violent sexual assaults reported in the capital.

An unknown attacker gagged and bound the hands of the 57-year-old in the Villa Borghese park north of the centre, according to police sources cited by news agency Ansa.

The woman is a German citizen who has been in Italy for six months but does not have a fixed abode, Italian state broadcaster Rai reported. She was treated for shock at Rome’s Santo Spirito, and said her attacker also stole €40 from her.

The incident comes after three reports of rape or attempted in the capital over a two-week period, including a Finnish tourist who was raped close to the Termini train station last week.

Earlier in September, four people were arrested over two gang rapes in the seaside town of Rimini, and the following week two police officers were placed under investigation for the alleged rape of two US students.