Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 30, 2015
No one has to say it, because everybody knows it.
The race war has begun.
To the victor goes our whole base and all the sluts contained therein.
Following the Paris terrorist attacks, Germans suddenly began stocking up on weapons possibly in an attempt to protect themselves, the German newspaper Die Welt reported.
Germans are arming themselves with pepper spray, knives and rifles. The demand for weapons aimed at providing personal safety is higher than ever before.
“Personal security needs among the population have tremendously increased,” said Ingo Meinhard from the German Association of Gun Owners (VDB), as cited by Die Welt.
One of the most popular weapons is pepper spray, bought predominantly by women.
Oh poor babies.
Your pets are now killing you?
“Many people say they sleep better when they have pepper spray beside their bed,” Meinhard said, according to Die Welt.
According to a pepper spray producing company from Frankfurt, their sales increased by 600 percent this fall, the source said.
It is now looking probable that Merkel actually is the secret Nazi daughter of Hitler and did this whole crap she did for the express purpose of kicking out the jams.
Because these jams have been kicked. Kicked right the hell out.