Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 26, 2015

I don’t know what to think of this. Really weird stuff.
Is “Lubitz” a Jewish name?
The co-pilot of the Germanwings flight that crashed in the French Alps, named as Andreas Lubitz, appeared to want to “destroy the plane”, officials said.
Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin, citing information from the “black box” voice recorder, said the co-pilot was alone in the cockpit.
He intentionally started a descent while the pilot was locked out.
Mr Robin said there was “absolute silence in the cockpit” as the pilot fought to re-enter it.
Meanwhile, the head of Lufthansa, the German carrier that owns Germanwings, said the pilot had undergone intensive training and “was 100% fit to fly without any caveats”.
“We have no findings at all about what motivated the pilot to do this terrible deed,” Carsten Spohr said.
Mr Spohr said Mr Lubitz’s training had been interrupted briefly six years ago but was resumed after “the suitability of the candidate was re-established”.
Must be a Jew. Who else would do this?
Did the guy even write a manifesto?
I have no updates.
Been reading everything I can find, but there is absolutely nothing on this guy. This is a very, very strange situation. But I guess it is most likely the guy was just some sort of top cuck whackjob. Everyone is nutty these days. I guess if anything it’s surprising this doesn’t happen more often.
We can actually make Bane jokes now, because that is most likely what this guy was thinking about.

You’ll recall that this is not the first time a Christopher Nolan Batman film inspired a mass-murder.

The whole world is just so overwhelmingly ridiculous. That is the bottom line, really. We have entered an age of absolute lunacy.

The story of my life:
“When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” – Hunter S. Thompson