Germany: 13% of All Registered Invaders “Vanish”

The New Observer
February 27, 2016

Around 130,000—or 13 percent—of all the nonwhite invaders pretending to be refugees in Germany, and who were registered on that government’s “Easy” data system, have simply vanished without a trace.

Making the admission in answer to a parliamentary question, a spokesman for the German Ministry of the Interior also said that the large number of “missing refugees” meant that they had “submerged into illegality.”

Officials admitted that 13 percent of the 1.1 million invaders who were registered as “asylum seekers” in 2015 simply didn’t arrive at the center to which they had been assigned.


The admission of the extent of the “missing” invaders demonstrates clearly the dangers of the “freedom of movement” Schengen principle, and also how the Dublin Accord (in terms of which, “asylum seekers” are supposed to be sent back to the EU country in which they were first registered, has collapsed after Merkel ordered it subverted.

In addition, Merkel’s reckless decision has meant that all of the European Union now faces a radically higher security and criminal threat posed by an army of over 130,000 nonwhites from who knows where, roaming free and unchecked through all of western Europe.

Whereas in 2014 Germany was sending every fifth asylum seeker back to the country where they had entered the EU, in 2015 this ratio had dropped to one in every ten.

In 2015, Germany requested these first countries of registration—mostly Greece, Italy, and Spain—to take back nearly 45,000 nonwhites in terms of the Dublin Accord.

However, only some 3,600 were actually sent back, and at the same time, other EU states sent 3,000 “asylum seekers” to Germany.

Meanwhile, a German police report from Kiel has revealed that three white teenage girls in northern Germany were harassed by a large group of nonwhite invaders in the northern German town on Thursday, in an incident which echoed the New Year’s Eve attacks.

As the teenagers, aged between 15 and 17, went for dinner together, they were followed by two young invaders, both from Afghanistan, the police report said.

The two nonwhites then started filming the girls with their phones as they sat in a restaurant near the harbor. According to statements the girls gave police, the nonwhites then appeared to send the video or pictures to other people.

Within a few minutes a group of up to 30 more nonwhites had arrived outside the restaurant. At this point, two of the girls ran from the restaurant and managed to shake off a group of around ten of the nonwhites who followed them.

The girl left inside the restaurant was then approached by some of the other nonwhites—but this time the police had been alerted by other diners and arrived to intervene and arrest many of the perpetrators—all confirmed to be “asylum seekers” from the local invader center.