Germany: 15-Year-Old Pregnant White Girl Brutally Murdered and Set on Fire by Non-White Boyfriend

Daily Stormer
February 3, 2015

Maria P was stabbed in her baby bump and then had gasoline poured over her before being ignited.

From a reader:

Thursday evening (15 Jan 15), Maria P., 19 and pregnant about to give birth, was somehow taken to a secluded forest in Berlin. A Moslem knifed Maria in her baby belly several times killing Maria´s baby. As Maria lay wounded on the forest ground with her dead baby, this Moslem took the canister of gasoline he brought with him and poured gasoline on the whimpering Maria. The Moslem then set Maria on fire. Maria burned to death in a forest in Berlin. Next morning, a walker´s dog found Maria.

Mary’s ex-boyfriend Eren T (pictured) had an accomplice who could be White. The press are calling his accomplice a ‘Hells Angel.’


The two school friends arranged to have the very pregnant Mary P. (19) brutally murdered. Slowly new details of Mary’s martyrdom have come to light.

“We are assuming that they have lured Mary under the pretext of a debate in a car,” a homicide detective told Bild. The three of them went accordingly in a car to the woods about 14 kilometers away.

The gasoline they brought with them before they came for Mary. The investigators: “The crime scene shows us that they tried burning her to get rid of the evidence.”

And it is increasingly clear why the professional student was killed: T. Eren had earlier received post from the youth welfare office – Mary had probably given him as the father of her child.

A friend of the dead said to BILD: “She has infinitely loved him, but also cried a lot. Time they were together, sometimes not. When he learns that she is pregnant, he made an insurrection and leave. “He should have also called an abortion.

The alleged killer and victim had known each other since elementary school. At 15, spanking videos of her had appeared on the internet. Now Eren T. and Daniel M. sit for joint murder in custody.

A police officer: “The investigation continues. We can not exclude the possibility that there are other Tatbeteiligte. ”

Maria had been looking forward to her baby and already had chosen a name: Dilara – “the gladdening of the heart”. The killers are threatened with 15 years in prison.

Marias burned body being carried away.