The New Observer
November 14, 2015
Two “asylum seekers” in Germany—a “Syrian” in Mittweida, Saxony, and a “Libyan” in Berlin—have racked up three sex assaults and 26 car break-ins between them in just 24 hours—a record crime orgy which provides an insight into the rising nonwhite invader crime plague.
In Mittweida, a town about 30 miles west of Dresden, a 24-year old “asylum seeker” was arrested after sexual assaulting three white German women in a row.

The attacker, identified as a “Syrian” by police after his arrest, carried out his first assault early in the morning on Luther Street, police said. The victim was a 30-year-old woman. He demanded money and then tried to molest her.
Fortunately the woman—obviously not a cowed liberal—fought back fiercely, making a noise which attracted passersby. The nonwhite then fled.
Only 20 minutes later, the invader then confronted a 50-year-old white woman on the Technikumplatz, and demanded sex.
When the victim refused and tried to walk past, the invader grabbed her and threw her to the ground. Another passerby witnessed the attack and came to her aid.
The invader then ran away once again, police said, before confronting a 63-year-old woman and going through the same routine. This time the woman defended herself with an umbrella, and the attacker fled once again.
The “asylum seeker” was arrested shortly afterward, after the victims and eyewitnesses provided accurate descriptions, and was charged with attempted rape, attempted sexual assault, and attempted robbery.
In Berlin, a 22-year-old nonwhite invader from Libya, also claiming to be an “asylum seeker,” was arrested by police after being identified as the criminal who broke into 26 cars around the Storkower Street in the Pankow area of Prenzlauer Berg.
The nonwhite, who stays in a nearby “asylum home,” spent at least four hours breaking into the vehicles, smashing out the side windows, and ransacking the interiors looking for valuables.
Police said they had been called to the scene just after 11 p.m. when a passerby noticed a string of broken car windows. Officers proceeded to patrol the area, and four hours later, they spotted the invader as he was breaking into a parked VW Golf.
He was arrested at the scene, and part of his night’s loot was recovered. A later search of his taxpayer-funded “asylum accommodation” revealed a further large stash of stolen property.
Meanwhile, the regional chairman of the Federation of detectives (BDK) in Bavaria, Johann Wengenmeir, has revealed to the Focus news service that the country is also being flooded with “mafia” from Georgia, located in the Caucasus region of Eurasia.
Wengenmeir said that the notorious Georgian criminal class had “taken advantage of the refugee crisis” to flood into Germany.
“They are being smuggled into the country amongst the mass of refugees,” he said. Their aim is not to get asylum, but to organize thefts, and, after a few weeks, they simply leave and return to Georgia, he said.
Wengenmeir pointed out that the failure of the police to register the majority of invaders meant that the authorities did not even have fingerprint records from which to work.
“I think most of them have smuggled past the registration system, because the rush is so large that there is a very low level of control.”