Germany: 369 Reported Extremist Cases

The New Observer
May 15, 2016

German police have confirmed that they have received at least 369 reports of Islamist terrorist extremism since the mass nonwhite fake refugee invasion started in 2015.

In addition, a CDU parliamentarian has admitted that 60 percent of all recent “arrivals” in Germany do not even have passports.

Of the 369 reported extremism cases, about 40 have been deemed to be serious enough that investigation teams have been assigned to them, police said.

Muslims germany

According to a report by the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (NOZ), the number of reports and investigations is steadily increasing: in February this year, there were more than 250 reports and 22 investigations were launched.

The BKA warned that the terror threat in Germany and Europe remains high: “More attacks by Islamist terrorist cells cannot be excluded,” their statement read.

The 369 confirmed cases all relate to the “infiltration of members or supporters of terrorist organizations such as the Daesh (ISIS) since the beginning of the refugee crisis,” the BKA said.

The crisis has been aggravated by the fact that at least 60 percent of recent invaders who have entered Germany have no passports.

There is therefore no way of properly identifying who they are or where they have come from, admitted German parliamentary interior expert, Wolfgang Bosbach, a member of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU).

“The risk must be taken very, very seriously,” Bosbach told the paper.

Last month, Italian intelligence services issued a warning that Islamists were planning a series of attacks on European holiday makers on beaches in Italy, France, and Spain.

They said the nonwhite terrorists “had formed concrete plans to pose as refugees serving tourists with drinks and snacks or hawking beach accessories and T-shirts.”

The plans involve the use of automatic weapons on crowded waterfronts, suicide bombings, and explosive devices buried in sand beneath sun loungers.

The beaches which the intelligence chiefs say are definitely targeted include resorts in southern France, the Costa del Sol in Spain, and both coasts in Italy.

The threat stems from Boko Haram, the terror group from Nigeria which has allied itself with Isis and cooperates with the leadership at a high level.

The Italian authorities warned that the terrorists are Africans claiming to be refugees who are currently invading Italy by boat. Once landed, they disguise their loyalty to Boko Haram, and wait to be activated for the planned terrorist attacks.

Afghan Hakim Nasiri posing with an M-16 semi-automatic rifle

Afghan Hakim Nasiri posing with an M-16 semi-automatic rifle.

* An Afghan recently arrested in Italy on suspicion of planning terror attacks toured Britain on fake documents, it has been revealed.

Hakim Nasiri, 23, was described as a “human bomb” when he was arrested in Bari, southern Italy. He was detained at a home for asylum seekers and was held on suspicion of terrorist activities.

Italian police found an image on his phone of Nasiri brandishing an M16 assault rifle in what it was claimed was a British supermarket.

It was reported on Wednesday night that he had used fake identification to tour the UK while still supposedly living in the hostel in Italy, claiming to be a restaurant manager from Birmingham and also a student in the city.

On his Facebook page he posted photos of himself in Paris, Milan, and London—posing outside Buckingham Palace and the Shard. The pictures raise the suspicion that Nasiri was conspiring to carry out a Paris-style attack.