Germany: 44% of Moslems Already in the Country Actively Aided Invading “Refugees”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 27, 2017

You don’t have to be a professor of sociology to figure this one out.

In fact, to figure this one out, you probably have to not be a professor of sociology.


According to the study released by the German foundation on Monday, 44 percent of Muslims were socially engaged for refugees in 2016, providing assistance through activities such as German language courses, clothing donations and assistance navigating bureaucratic language.

The results of the study, entitled “Engagement for Refugees – a religious thing?: The role of religion in Refugee aid,” also counter what the Berstalsmann Stiftung described as the broadly held assumption that Muslims assist refugees to exert religious influence or radicalization. Only two percent of the study’s respondents reported such intent as motivating their voluntary service.

Bertelsmann expert for social cohesion Stephan Vopel described Muslims who volunteer as “important bridge-builders” in society.

That isn’t the “broadly held assumption.”

The “broadly held assumption,” which could also be described as the “self-evident fact,” is that these people are behaving tribally, instinctively engaging in a racially conquest agenda.

They want to bring their own people in to replace the native population with their own population. This has absolutely nothing to do with “terrorism,” other than that it has the same end goal of racial conquest and replacement.

No one, anywhere, believes the majority of Moslems are terrorists. It is a strawman argument that cuckolded conservatives go along with. What people think is that Moslems have an agenda to conquer Europe, and though terrorism is one aspect of this agenda, it is the smallest aspect of it.

The biggest aspect is maximizing numbers through immigration and birthrates.

Whatever people tell you, understand that Islam is a racial phenomenon. Excluding a couple million Bosnians, all of the world’s 2 billion Moslems are some form of brown person. And the overwhelming majority of those are some mixed mutt combining Asian, white and Negroid.

Sunni Islam is a cultural glue that holds together various mixed brown races who, under the guidance of the Jew are engaging in a racial conquest of the white Western world.

They want our land, they want our resources, they want our infrastructure, and most of all they want our women.

And our women are giving themselves to them – because they are the conquerors, and it is the nature of the woman to choose the conqueror over the conquered, just as it is the man’s nature to choose the teenage girl with the bubbly personality and perky tits over the some thirty-year-old angry fat bitch.

If it hurts you emotionally that white women would leave your for a conquering tribe, then you are the exact same thing as a fat bitch whining about how no guys want her.

If we want to keep our women, we need to be the conquerors.

And we can be.

All it takes is the will.

We are completely different species than these animals. With the will, defeating our racial enemies is no more difficult than a lion defeating a gazelle.

As far as you denialists, claiming that this isn’t happening, that women are not salivating over these savages, and they’ll be “loyal to their race” even as we are conquered and subdued, the women you are seeing just aren’t doing it yet. Or you’re seeing it and just denying it.

Young women in Europe are doing it in extraordinary numbers. Read this article on the situation of white boys in Norway – the white high school girls will exclusively date immigrants.

A teenage boy interviewed reports:

There is one thing that annoys the hell out of me. They can start chasing Norwegian girls, but we cannot go after theirs. It’s something you learn early on. You just don’t go after a Pakistani girl, but Norwegian girls are available to immigrant boys. Norwegian girls prefer them. I don’t know why. I guess it must be that brown skin. That they are tough, that they have money despite not having jobs. They don’t see that they fight in packs, that they are cowards. I asked my best female friend if we could get romantically involved, and she told me that I have the right personality, but the problem was that I’m Norwegian. She wants to become involved with a foreigner.

A woman is as likely to choose a conquered man over a conqueror because she is “loyal to her race” as a man is likely to choose a fat girl over a slim one because he is “loyal to body positivity.”

As long as we remain a people people being conquered, our women are going to be the property of the conquerors.

We need to restore the ancient Aryan Tradition of White Sharia Law.

And we need to do it quickly.