Germany: 7-Year-Old Girl Gang-Raped at Refugee Center

Daily Stormer
March 19, 2016


Presumably, the victim was herself a “migrant,” probably of a different race than the Arab attackers.

Because when you import all these people, you not only have a White v Them race war, you also have different race wars between all of the different races you’ve imported.

Why? What is the point, Merkel?


Police are investigating for aggravated sexual abuse of a child in the Central reception center (ZEA) for refugees in Hamburg’s Bahrenfeld.

As was only now becoming available, were alerted officials on Tuesday night shortly after 19 o’clock. It was reported that a girl (7) was a victim of gang rape.

As perpetrators five alleged Arabs were accused. It is unclear whether they are visitors or residents of the facility for men.

Senior public prosecutor Nana From Bach confirmed: “We have instituted proceedings against five persons. so far there is no corroborating urgent suspicion. The investigations are continuing. ”

In the ZEA Albert-Einstein-Ring, a former office building, are due to renovation and expansion work currently 550 places for refugees.