Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 30, 2015
Merchant, I thought you told us these monkeys were going to pay our pensions?
How are a bunch of men in their twenties and thirties who didn’t graduate high school and have been promised infinity welfare going to pay pensions for old Germans, merchant?
Merchant, these people can’t even read, let alone speak German or even English. They have to go to classes to be told not to rape women on the streets, Merchant.
What are we supposed to do with these 1.5 million illiterate grown men of military age who are openly hostile toward German society, Merchant?
Over 80 percent of the asylum seekers recently arrived in Germany have no formal qualifications, and only eight percent have a college degree, local media reported citing research by the country’s Federal Employment Agency.
Germany (population 80 million) may receive 1.5 million asylum seekers this year alone. It has already accepted more asylum applications than any other European nation, with a number of critics pointing to a high number of uneducated and illiterate people coming to the country.
The Federal Employment Agency has stated that 81 percent of asylum seekers are “without formal qualifications,” the Junge Freiheit daily reported, citing a nine-page report entitled “Refugees in Germany: Take responsibility, identify opportunities.”
The agency has reportedly calculated that due to the looming asylum crisis there will be at least 400,000 additional welfare recipients in the coming year.
Earlier this year, about 60 German universities offered refugees a chance to attend courses as guest students for free. In the past, asylum seekers had to pay a fee, unaffordable for most of them.
Having become the main destination for refugees fleeing conflict zones in the Middle East and North Africa, Germany has seen a new wave of Islamophobic and anti-migrant violence in recent months. The refugee crisis has driven a wedge between those who support asylum seekers and those strongly against them.
There has been a spike in hate crimes against refugees, with much far-right anger and criticism directed at Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to suspend the Dublin Regulation, which stipulates that migrants and refugees can only claim asylum at a German port of entry.
In other news, here are the German cuckolds welcoming “migrants” in Frankfurt with balloons.
That video makes me physically ill.
I suppose they lied to these people and told them it was going to be kids when they brought those balloons – but maybe they didn’t. Either way, wtf.
Even the monkeys themselves look embarrassed for these cucks.
I mean – balloons?
Like a 7-year-old’s birthday party?
To celebrate these men deserting from a war?