Germany: 87-Year-Old Woman Going Back to Prison for Denying Nonsensical Jew Lampshade Hoax

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 14, 2016


This is the face of evil

In Germany, there are a lot of freedoms people have that they don’t have in other countries. For example, you can gang-rape women and not be punished.

You’re also allowed to grope women and beat old people on trains – now that’s a big freedom.

At the same time, elderly women get sentenced to prison for thinking the wrong thoughts about historical events.

So it’s really give and take.

The Local:

An 87-year-old long-time right-wing extremist has been sentenced to jail once again for making statements denying the Holocaust.

Ursula Haverbeck-Wetzel, 87, has been sentenced by a district court in Bad Oeynhausen, North Rhine-Westphalia, to 11 months imprisonment without parole, Süddeutsche Zeitung reported on Tuesday.

Haverbeck-Wetzel was convicted for the crime of incitement of hatred for denying the Holocaust in a letter she sent to the Central Council of Jews in Germany, as well as on her website.

In Germany, the crime of incitement of hatred refers to actions that encourage hatred or violence towards a group of people because of their religion, race or ethnic background. It also punishes any individual, who publicly “approves of, denies or downplays” the actions of the Nazis which violated international law, by up to five years in prison.

The 87-year-old continues to maintain claims that Auschwitz was a labour camp as opposed to a death camp, insisting that the murder of millions of Jews by the Nazis did not happen.

More than 1 million people were killed at Auschwitz through gas chambers, starvation or medical experiments, and most were European Jews.

Haverbeck-Wetzel was sentenced to ten months in prison last November for incitement of hatred after she went on television to declare that “the Holocaust is the biggest and most sustainable lie in history”.

And it may seem mean to lock-up an old woman for her beliefs. But you have to realize: when someone says the fake shower room gassing of six million didn’t happen, Jews’ feelings are really, really hurt.

Like I mean, when a Jew is like “my whole family was gassed with insect spray and turned into lampshades for no reason by Adolf Hitler,” and then you’re like “nuh-uh,” the Jew will literally start crying.

And we have to have laws to protect the feelings of Jews.

After all – they’re god’s chosen people.