Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 9, 2016

I’m not exactly sure who thought it made sense when Merkel was claiming that bringing in millions of illiterate terrorist/rapists would be good for the economy. But I guess a big part of the German idea is just accepting the statements of authority figures as fact.
For my part, I was like “are you insane? This is total gibberish. These people are going to cost billions, and won’t work.”
Of course, the data was available at the time on the average IQ (it’s 83, average German IQ is 99) and education level of these “Syrians.”
We also have three generations of Moroccans – virtually culturally and genetically identical to Syrians and other Arabs – in France we can observe. They have never even attempted to assimilate, they speak Arabic in their ghettos and they don’t work, instead living on welfare, selling drugs and committing outrageous acts of violence against the native population.
This isn’t rocket science.
Anyway, now that there are a million New Germans, and a million more on the way next year and every year after that, the “authorities” are admitting they are completely useless to the economy.
For Germany’s economy, the influx of up to 1.1 million refugees last year should be a godsend.
With Europe’s lowest birthrate and a rapidly aging population, Germany could lose its standing as one of the world’s leading economies. Refugees could fill the gap.
Automation is already filling that gap.
There’s just one problem: most lack the skills German companies need.
What? Don’t any of these companies need gang-rapists?
“Let’s not delude ourselves,” said Ludger Wößmann, director of Munich-based Ifo Center for the Economics of Education. “From everything we know so far, it seems that the majority of refugees would first need extensive training and even then it’s far from certain that it would work out.”
If “far from certain” you mean “won’t,” then I salute you for speaking sense, sir.
But all of these apes are already here…
Even as Germany’s economy has thrived in recent years, industry has warned of a looming Fachkräftemangel, or skilled worker shortage. Without significant immigration, the working-age population will likely decrease from roughly 49 million in 2013 to somewhere between 34 and 38 million in 2060, according to a government estimate published in July.
Again, this is a fake crisis, invented solely to excuse mass immigration.
Technology has progressed at such a fantastic rate, there just isn’t any need for extra people.
Germany already has a 5% unemployment rate, by official estimates (which are usually a lie).
How could you possibly be talking about a population crisis when you already have a situation where 1/20 people doesn’t have a job?
The government’s efforts to lure highly-skilled foreigners have largely fallen short.
Faced with those pressures, finding ways to put the refugees to work quickly has become a top priority for Angela Merkel’s government.
“We have more than 1 million vacancies, we have a need for qualified personnel, and more than 50 percent of those who come to us are younger than 25,” Labor Minister Andrea Nahles said in a recent interview with German public television. “This could really work out.”
Yet some economists argue that the refugees are unlikely to have much impact in the short term.
Less than 15 percent of refugees from Syria and other war-torn countries have completed vocational training or a university degree, according to a September 2015 study by Germany’s Institute for Employment Research.
And two-thirds of them are functionally illiterate.
You forgot that part.
“Someone who comes from Eritrea and says he was an electrician might have repaired a radio or laid a cable there,” said Achim Dercks, deputy managing director of the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce, “but he might have never seen a fuse box, as we use it in Germany.”
With most of the refugees unlikely to leave anytime soon, Germany may have no choice but to invest in training.
Yeah, these guys are definitely going to need some training before you place them in the high-tech sector.
On Wednesday, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière described the task of integrating those who have arrived so far as a “massive, long-term undertaking.”
First order of business is probably the gang-rape thing.
Which you admittedly have no plan to solve.
We are probably getting a bit ahead of ourselves with this “we’ll give them jobs in the tech sector” business, maybe?
“If we want to make integration succeed, we will need much more flexibility in the labor market,” Ifo’s Wößmann said. “We need reforms to reduce bureaucratic barriers, including lowering the minimum wage in certain cases. The alternative is that the majority of refugees remains without work, and this would be an even greater burden for our social system.”
The government is already preparing for an additional 1 million recipients of its main unemployment benefit, known as Hartz IV, by 2019.
A big worry among Germany’s political establishment is that a failure to integrate the refugees into the workforce would bolster the country’s resurgent right-wing populists and further inflame social tensions.
The important thing is that we figure out how to stop these Nazis who are saying on Facebook that Moslems shouldn’t gang-rape women on the streets of Germany.