Germany: AfD Attacks Merkel for Probably Planning to Give Trump Money for NATO!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 20, 2018

Wow, wacky development here.

AfD – the nationalist, anti-immigrant party in Germany – is positioning themselves against Merkel’s perceived willingness to bow to Donald Trump and fund an anti-Russian war machine.

A big part of Trump’s campaign rhetoric was based on military isolationist ideas. He sold these ideas however through pointing out that the US pays for almost all of NATO, while getting very little benefit. We are subsidizing the militaries of all of Europe based on a cold war model which is no longer relevant.

Berlin Wall been down for a while now.

Of course, now that he’s being bullied by the neocon crazies, he’s much more pro-NATO – but he is still telling these countries that they have to pay up. Germany is a rich country, and they aren’t paying because no one ever asked them to pay.

Now Trump is telling Merkle she has to pay – and AfD is using the opportunity to attack NATO itself, saying Germany doesn’t need to be preparing a war machine to fight Russia because it is a peaceful country.

And the German anti-war (read:goy) left agrees.


US President Donald Trump has accused Germany of not contributing enough to the NATO budget – but will German Chancellor Angela Merkel dance to Washington’s tune?

Politicians on both sides of Germany’s political spectrum shared their views with RT.

On Thursday, Trump warned NATO members that they will be “dealt with” if they fail to fulfill their financial obligations to the US-led military alliance. Germany was singled out as one of those said to be delinquent on their obligations.

Speaking to RT, Martin Dolzer of Die Linke (Left Party) said that buying into Trump’s ideas may send the world order “into chaos,” citing US policy in the Middle East as evidence.


That is some really good evidence.

Dolzer stressed that Germans do not want war, and said that more vital issues should be on agenda instead of boosting military spending.

“The German population does not want any more military expenses, the German population needs money for kindergartens, for education, for the growth of civil society organizations and the social sector,” Dolzer said. “There has to be a change. And the people in Germany, I think most of them want this change, but the government does not follow it.”

Though Merkel has shown no interest to raising defense spending, Alternative for Germany (AfD) chief whip Hansjorg Mueller believes she is poised to “bend down before the wish of the big brother” – a reference to Trump and the US.

“Our government is the government of a vassal state and governments of vassal states always obey to the wish of the big brother,” Mueller said.


But yeah, of course she will.

If Trump puts the pressure on, she doesn’t have any choice, because NATO is a key element of the globalist project.

How is she going to get her precious hajis into Europe if there isn’t someone bombing the Middle East and funding all of these terrorist groups?

Mueller believes a rise in defense spending would only further split German society, which is already divided over the chancellor’s immigration policy, and significantly weaken Merkel’s position. “We are viewing the doom of her leadership over Germany,” he told RT.

And that is very interesting.

Giving Donald Trump a bunch of war machine money would absolutely make the average German 100x more angry than having their country flooded with millions of gang-raping terrorist killers.

It is a brilliant button for AfD to push – while being backed up by the left.

Meanwhile, In Russia…

This weekend, Merkel is actually in Russia meeting with Putin about Trump’s dissolution of the Iran deal and sanctions.

So could she actually go in the complete opposite direction, and side with the patriarch Putin against the patriarch Trump?

Probably not – I think this is just a show being put on for all of the German companies that are losing all this money on the Iran thing and are freaking out.

But who knows.

Dis bitch crazy.


Sanctions imposed by the Trump administration that could hurt companies in Germany and Russia were among the issues discussed by President Vladimir Putin and Chancellor Angela Merkel during their latest meeting.

the latest actions by the US were among the top priorities. President Donald Trump’s decision to break a nuclear deal with Iran by re-imposing economic sanctions poses a potential threat to European companies doing business in Iran.

Merkel said that the Trans-Atlantic partnership was valued by Berlin and that European nations are currently discussing ways in which the EU can provide a safety net to companies dealing with Iran. The German leader added she hoped Tehran would see the benefit of observing the terms of the deal despite Washington’s move.

Bolton is saying he’ll sanction Europe if they try to keep the Iran deal…!

They’re also threatening to sanction Europe over a gas deal with Russia.

But yeah, ultimately, Germany is as the AfD calls it: a vassal state of the US, and it will do what the US tells it to do as long as Merkel is running things. The changes that Trump is making are cosmetic, it seems (at least in terms of foreign policy). As Putin remarked at his meeting with Merkel, the foreign policies of the US are the same as they were under Obama.

Trump might back down from the NATO funding thing.

I hope he doesn’t.