Germany: AfD Politician Calls Half-Nigger a “Half-Nigger” on Twitter! Intern Blamed!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 4, 2018

Normally, I would say that blaming an intern is cucking.

But when the speech in question is illegal it changes this a bit. Especially when you don’t even apologize for the comment, just say “oh well, that was just some random nameless intern…”

Presumably, the goal here was not to simply hurt the feelings of an individual half-nigger, but to escalate racial rhetoric in Germany – and it has succeeded in that.


A lawmaker from the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party became the target of a social media onslaught over a racial tweet which described tennis legend Boris Becker’s son as “half-n****r.”

Twenty-three-year-old artist and DJ Noah Becker, who is mixed-race, had commented in a recent interview with Emotion magazine that he had been attacked in Germany because of the color of his skin, adding that Berlin is a “white city compared to London or Paris.”

Boris was a Prince Harry-tier pervert.

Here he is with his neger and his habneger way back when:

Look: if someone has a gross fetish for niggerbitches, okay. Fine. But you don’t have to make a public display of it. The public display can only be for the purpose of social signaling. In fact, I question how much the sex fetish itself overlaps with the desire to signal socially.

Becker’s remarks then came under fire from Jens Maier, who had worked as a judge before becoming a member of the Bundestag. According to Bild, the lawmaker tweeted on Tuesday: “The little half-n****r just seems to have been paid too little attention, otherwise his behavior cannot be explained.” The tweet was later removed.

On Wednesday, the AfD politician got in touch with a Bild journalist via Twitter, claiming that “an employee” had written and posted the message, and that it was “deleted immediately once it became known.” Maier did not name the employee and what consequences the person could face.

AfD chairman Alexander Gauland has, meanwhile, slammed Maier’s comment. “That’s not my style,” he said, according to Berliner Morgenpost.

But he’s not yet been denounced or fired and I’m pretty sure “not my style” isn’t even a “slam.”

Bild also reported that the Becker family’s lawyer has been instructed to take legal action against Maier. “I am now assigned to immediately take the necessary criminal and civil action against Mr. Jens Maier over this clearly racist Twitter message,” the lawyer said.

This is an insane thing to Americans, to imagine someone taking legal action because they were called a mean name on the internet.

But it is just standard procedure in mainland Europe.

The social media community has given Maier a tongue-lashing for the tweet, with prominent German actor Til Schweiger calling the AfD politician a “disgusting scumbag” on Facebook. Schweiger’s post generated hundreds of comments, most of them critical of Maier.

“It’s unbelievable that people like Jens Maier are allowed to voice such disgusting statements in our country. Pooh! Freedom of speech? Yes! But this is against our constitution and also incompatible with the profession of the judge,” SvenBerni Schi wrote on FB.

Freedom of speech, but not mean names – mean names are illegal.

This is a purely kook system that the Germans are living under.

But thank God someone is pushing for escalation, pushing back against the hate speech laws, goading the populace into standing up.

They cannot do mass-arrests based on politically incorrect speech on social media. If everyone did it, there would not be any immediate solution for the Merkel regime.

Jens Maier, du bist ein widerlicher Drecksack!👊🏻

Posted by Til Schweiger on Mittwoch, 3. Januar 2018