Germany: AfD Politician Stabbed After Trying to Stop People Ripping Down His Posters

Heinrich Koch was stabbed in the head and stomach, but he’s apparently not gonna die

Remember when the Germans said they wouldn’t tolerate political violence?


What a trip, mayne.


A local candidate for Germany’s right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has been injured in a knife attack, the party and police said on Wednesday, the second such incident in the city of Mannheim days after a police officer was killed.

AfD member Heinrich Koch was attacked with a cutter knife after confronting the suspect who was tearing down election posters near a town square, the party said. Police said the 25-year-old suspect was detained and, showing clear signs of mental illness, was taken to a psychiatric hospital.

He was filming when it happened

It comes days after the attack at an anti-Islam demonstration in which a policeman was killed, at a time when the number of assaults and abuse against politicians across the spectrum has surged ahead of hotly contested elections.

Koch needed stitches in his head and had a cut in his stomach, but the injuries were not life-threatening, the party said. AfD co-chief Alice Weidel told Reuters the attack was a “shocking act that leaves you stunned”.

The party has sought to portray the attack as part of a targeted campaign by left-wing extremists against AfD members. However, police said there was no concrete evidence that the suspect knew that he was attacking an AfD politician.

Given the context, he obviously knew he was attacking someone from the AfD.