Germany: AfD Won’t Expel Leader Who Called for the Holocaust to be Forgotten

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 23, 2017

This is a pretty major deal, really.

I don’t remember a goy winning something to do with the Holocaust in Germany ever.

New York Times:

A leading member of Germany’s rising rightist party Alternative for Germany will be disciplined but not expelled after having caused widespread alarm with a speech challenging the national atonement for the Holocaust and other Nazi crimes.

Party leaders decided that the member, Björn Höcke, leader of the party in the eastern state of Thuringia, would face unspecified disciplinary measures, but not expulsion from the organization, according to a statement relayed on Monday by an aide at the European Parliament office of Marcus Pretzell, who sits in the legislature for the German party.

The German public broadcaster ARD, citing unidentified sources, said the decision had been made after a three-hour conference call among senior party leaders.

Last week, Mr. Höcke gave a speech in Dresden in which he particularly lamented that a memorial to Europe’s murdered Jews had been erected by the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. Germans were “the only people in the world to plant a monument of shame in the heart of its capital,” Mr. Höcke said. The Germans, he added, had the “mentality of a totally vanquished people.”

It’s minor, but symbolic.

The Jewish domination of earth is weakening in the Age of Trump.