Germany: Afghan Drags 17-Year-Old Girl from Moving Bus, Bus Runs Over Her Legs

It’s okay ma’am, those legs died for diversity.

Infowars Europe:

A 17-year-old girl was run over by a bus in Minden, Germany, as she attempted to flee migrant attackers, according to police and media reports.

The victim and her 14-year-old companion were being harassed by two migrant men who were both under the influence of alcohol.

The teens attempted to jump aboard a slow-moving bus with the assistance of a driver who had noticed their plight, but a pursuing assailant reportedly wrenched the girl back into the street by her hair.

“The driver noticed that the teenagers were in trouble, opened the doors of the bus and let them on the vehicle – but one of the men also jumped on board,” HLN reports. “The Afghan dragged the girl out of the moving vehicle.”

The girl’s legs were run over by the front wheel of the bus before the driver managed to stop.

“The young woman was admitted to the Minden Clinic with serious injuries after receiving emergency medical treatment.”

Both suspects fled the scene but were later apprehended. One has since been released.