Germany Agrees with Trump – NATO Allies are Not Doing Enough

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 3, 2017

Germany sees that Trump has absolutely nothing to lose by pulling out of NATO, and that he’s ready to do it.

They are backing down now, and agreeing with him.


Washington has reassured Germany that NATO will remain the backbone of European defense if members contribute to the cost of running the bloc. The alliance however should adapt to confront the real growing threats of violent extremism and terrorism.

The White House voiced support for NATO’s stability during the meeting between Vice President Mike Pence and German Vice Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sigmar Gabriel.

“The Vice President and Minister Gabriel… agreed on NATO’s centrality in ensuring the security and stability of North America and Europe,” the Office of the Vice President said in a statement following the meeting.

NATO must adapt to confront threats such as “violent extremism and terrorism,” both Pence and Gabriel agreed.

The politicians reaffirmed that “all NATO allies must meet their obligations and contribute their fair share to our collective security,” the statement added.

During his campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly criticized NATO, calling the organization “obsolete.” Trump also suggested the US might not come to the aid of an ally which did not meet the spending target of defense expenditure at two percent of GDP.

It’s not just that we’re sick of paying for these freeloading welfare recepients, it’s that at this point in history, NATO is actually a threat to American security.

I am 100% supportive of a total pull-out at Trump’s earliest possible convenience.