Germany: Arab Bites Out the Breast Implants of Prostitute

Daily Stormer
January 2, 2016

No picture was released (Germany protects non-White criminals, even cannibals), but the perp presumably looked something like this.
No picture was released (Germany protects non-White criminals, even cannibals), but the perp presumably looked something like this.

Thanks, Merkel!

We’re so thankful for these types of new experiences!



Horrors, that a prostitute (26) in Hornstraße had to go through. A john attacked her, choked her and bit her in the chest. The man turned completely insane and fell into a frenzy – and ripped out the silicon implant out of her chest with his teeth.

First choked, then bitten

The biter entered the bordello at midnight and went into the young woman’s room.
“He didn’t say a word and choked her massively right away” said a policeman. Then he bites severely. So strong and deep that he reached the breast implant and ripped it out with force.

Screams for help on the open street

The strongly bleeding woman has screaming for help, but the crazy biter could escape. Minutes later he stormed the huge Pascha Bordello close by.

Boss Harald Müller (50): “we noticed him cause he was hiding in the ATM-Area and got cocky towards our security.” The men could detain the dangerous perpetrator. All of a sudden he threw himself on the ground and started screaming. “We called the police who took the Arabic looking man with them” Müller said. The prostitute underwent operation in the same night.

Only a heart full of hate would be opposed to eating out the tits of a hooker. Do not listen to them, and realize this sadistic Arabian cannibal is just as German as anyone else, and deserves our generosity because he is so vulnerable.